
Photographs of events and members from 2013. To view a larger and more detailed photograph then select, using the left mouse button, the required picture. The larger picture will be displayed in a new window which you will need to close in order to return back to this page.

AGM - May 2013

The 62nd meeting of the WRI Nurses League was held on the 18th May 2013 at the University of Worcester, City Campus in Castle Street (the old Worcester Royal Infirmary). The service in the former Jenny Lind Chapel was conducted by Dr Fiona Haworth, University Chaplain and the Rev. David Knight, Lead Chaplain, St. Richard's Hospice, Worcester. The address by Rev Knight on the subject of compassion was warmly received and with his permission it has been included HERE for all members to read.

Lunch and the AGM were held in the former Wheeley Lea Ward. The University Caterers provided a splendid buffet.

The photographs below illustrate the most enjoyable time spent catching up with old friends and colleagues, sharing all the news.

The photographs were taken by Rona Mackenzie. So as not to disturb conversation many are taken un-posed. Apologies to anyone who feels that we did not capture their "best side"!! We have not tried to name everyone in the pictures, except in a few cases. If your picture is not included, blame the photographer!!

Photographs of the attendees at the WRINL 2013 AGM
AGM 2013
  • Chairman - Elizabeth Hill
  • Vice President - Alison Thomas
  • Vice Chairman - Eric White
AGM 2013
  • President - Miss Ballinger
  • Ms. Rosie Roberts
  • Vice President - Miss Cunningham
AGM 2013
  • Rev. Dr Fiona Haworth
    University Chaplain
  • Rev. David Knight
    Lead Chaplain, St. Richard's Hospice
AGM 2013 AGM 2013
AGM 2013 AGM 2013
AGM 2013
  • Minutes Secretary - Di Wheatley
  • Committee Member - Lorna Davies
AGM 2013 AGM 2013
AGM 2013 AGM 2013
AGM 2013 AGM 2013
AGM 2013 AGM 2013
AGM 2013
  • Miss Fay Midwinter
  • Brenda Bauch
  • Susan McGowan
AGM 2013
  • Mrs Thelma Dyson (Qualified 1948)
  • Miss Margret Bates (Qualified 1947)
AGM 2013
  • Maxine Chong
  • Miss Ballenger
AGM 2013
  • Chairman -Liz Hill
  • Committee Member -Muriel Clayson