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Surviving the Triathlon swim section

Kevin Koskella provides some practical advice for the swim section of the triathlon.

The start of a triathlon can be nerve-wracking, tiring, intimidating, frustrating, and even discouraging, but do not let all this get to you! For everyone, the start is a crazy cluster of splashing, starts and stops, physical contact, and swimmers trying to separate from each other.

Here are some tips for dealing with what some consider to be the most challenging part of any triathlon:

1. Expect the worst. Go into the event expecting that the start will not be easy. Know that you will bump into people, and others will bump into you, but it is all by accident 99% of the time. Also, understand that the chaos at the beginning will not last for the entire swim; it will break up quickly as different speed swimmers separate.

2. Prepare. Learn the course before the gun goes off. There is nothing worse than having to wonder which way to turn around the upcoming buoy.

3. Don't panic. Keep your breathing from getting short. Stay as relaxed as possible while everyone else tries to get pole position. Do not let others' frantic behaviour affect your state of mind, and realize that 99% of the other swimmers are just trying to find some open water and are not out to hurt you.

4. Stay to the outside. Many will try to stay on the inside, as close to in line with the first buoy as they can get. Don't follow the pack. Start outside and work your way in as you approach buoy #1. You may not get spotless water, but it will save you from much of the madness.

5. Run until the water level is at your knees. It will maximize your time on land without being slowed by running through water.

6. Use shorter strokes to get through the chop. This technique helps if you swim in the ocean on a choppy day. Once you get to smoother water, return to long strokes to maximize efficiency and conserve energy.

7. Practice. When preparing for a race with an open-water start, swim in the open water often. The more experience you can develop getting used to the conditions and variables in open water vs. pool swimming, the better off you will be mentally on race day.

How do I swim straight in the open water?

Here's a quick guide to swimming straight:

  1. Only doing alternate (or bi-lateral) breathing would go a long way towards making you swim in a straight. If you are comfortable with this, breathe every three strokes, and you will be much more in line with where you want to go.
  2. If you cannot get enough oxygen while breathing bilaterally, this can be a big problem during a distance swim. Practice swimming and breathing two strokes on the left and two on the right, then go to three breaths left and right. Then try two on the left and one on the right, 3-1, etc. Find what keeps you in line, and stick with that plan in your race.
  3. Practice sighting less often, as this will disrupt your stroke rhythm and balance.
  4. Keep your strokes long and, extend that arm out in front of each stroke and drive it forward.
  5. Practice the One Arm Drill and pay attention to your arm pull, making sure you are not crossing in with your hand.
  6. Practice open-water swimming. Being used to the environment will get you more comfortable, and you will intuitively pick up on swimming straight out there.

Should I wear a wetsuit?

It depends on whether wetsuits are allowed in the race. Most age group races allow wetsuits. In this case, by all means, use a wetsuit! Your apparel will help you withstand cold water and give you buoyancy, making it a lot easier to get through the swim.

Can I swim another stroke besides freestyle?

Yes. Although freestyle is the fastest and most common stroke in triathlon, beginners may benefit from occasionally using a few strokes of backstroke or breaststroke to regain their breath.

It's my first race. Where should I line up at the beginning of the race?

Stay towards the back and outside (away from the first buoy). If you start in the pack, you will get clobbered and likely lose more energy fighting against the conditions than if you get cleaner water and take the first buoy a little wider.

Should I use a heart rate monitor?

If you are used to using a heart rate monitor when you train, it may help you during a triathlon at specific points, like transitions, to keep your heart rate from getting too far out of whack. However, for the swim, it will be impossible to look at your watch and keep track of your heart rate while you swim and try to see where you are going at the same time.

How often should I "sight"?

First, find out how many buoys there are and learn the course before your race. It will limit the number of times you need to pop your head up to see where you are. Ideally, you can find an object like the swimmer in front of you or the next buoy to focus on when you lift your head. Otherwise, taking a peek every 6-8 arm cycles should be adequate.

How often should I breathe during a race swim?

Don't get hung up on this if this is your first race. Breathe when you need air, even if that means every two strokes. However, as you get a race or two under your belt, learn to take a bilateral breath every three strokes. It will help with navigation and keep you a little straighter.

Page Reference

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  • KOSKELLA, K. (2006) Surviving the Triathlon swim section [WWW] Available from: [Accessed

About the Author

Kevin Koskella coaches masters and triathlete swimmers in San Diego, CA. He operates the website, a resource for beginner—to intermediate-level triathletes looking for help with swimming. This article has been produced here with his kind permission.