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Sports Coach Awards


December 2012

I am happy to inform you that BrianMac Sports Coach is included on the list of 100 Great Sites for Coaching, just published on Sports Management

Your site was chosen for this list through a rigorous process of research and nomination-seeking. The list is meant to provide readers, aspiring coaches, sports managers and administrators with inspiration and information about the sporting industry's excellent educational and career potential.


November 2012

"I am writing to inform you that Sports Coach has been featured on's list of the 100 Best Web Resources for Physical Education!

Thanks for keeping such a great site on physical education and health, which will be a great resource for our readers, and anyone else interested in physical education - Jenny".

Healthy Eating Guide In January 2008, the "Healthy Eating Guide" page on the Sports Coach website received an award from the WEGO Health Community. WEGO considered it one of the best resources on the world wide web for information on healthy eating.
Reviewed by Schoolzone - the leading independent educational review body

In 2007 Schoolzone reviewed Sports Coach for educational relevance and usefulness, and their teacher reviewer panel awarded a Highly Recommended rating. Schoolzone is the UK's leading evaluation service for online educational resources.

Diamond Web Award Level 1

Sports Coach was awarded the "Diamond Web Award" Level 1 by the International Association of Web Masters & Designers

Golden Web Award Sports Coach was awarded the "2002-2003 Golden Web Award" by the International Association of Web Masters & Designers
PE Award The SPORTS MEDIA organization awarded Sports Coach was awarded the P.E. AWARD.
Award Sports Coach was awarded "The Best of Internet Sports homepage" by Up2day Telecommunication.
Sport Quest award Sports Coach was awarded "The Sports Site Award" by Sports Quest.
Sports Award

We have carefully reviewed your site and found it well designed, easy to navigate, and filled with quality content.

You should be very proud of all the hard work you put into it.

It is with great pleasure that we present to you the Authentic Signed Sports - Fantastic Site Award

Page Reference

If you quote information from this page in your work, then the reference for this page is:

  • MACKENZIE, B. (1997) Sports Coach Awards [WWW] Available from: [Accessed 27/3/2025]


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