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Training Articles - Injury Prevention

  • Fibromyalgia
    Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) are thought by many to be separate manifestations of the same disorder, the main difference being the primary symptom associated with each of the disorders. Brad Walker explains how to use gentle aerobics and stretching exercises to reduce the pain of Fibromyalgia.
  • Exercise & Chronic Pain
    If you are interested in utilizing exercise to help manage your pain, read on for ten tips that will help you ease into working out with chronic pain, so you can start seeing the benefits without making your condition worse.
  • Kyphosis: A Sports Fan's Injury
    Alex Johnson explains what Kyphosis is, why it is potentially a sports fan injury and how to avoid it.
  • Sports Equipment for Children
    Jen Fox provides advice on the importance of proper sports equipment for Children.
  • Recovery from a Sports Injury
    Whether it is a minor strain in the ankle or a more severe ligament tear, any type of injury requires vigilant attention to recovery. Not only does a period of recovery involve treatment and potentially physical therapy, but your activity levels, diet, and at-home care all play significant roles as well in helping you heal to prevent further injury.
  • Recovery from a pulled muscle
    Whether it is a minor strain in the ankle or a more severe ligament tear, any injury requires vigilant attention to recovery. Not only does a period of recovery involve treatment and potentially physical therapy, but your activity levels, diet, and at-home care all play significant roles as well in helping you heal to prevent further injury.

  • Your Body, Your Health: Spine 101

    We can divide spinal injuries into two main categories: complete and incomplete.

  • Sports Injury Claim

    Regardless of how many preventive measures you take, accidents can still happen. In case of such an unfortunate event, it is crucial to know that you might be eligible for a personal injury claim.

  • Football has one of the highest injury rates

    An insight into football injuries and how they are working to reduce them.

  • Four Safety Tips for Runners with Supination

    Here, we will give you four simple safety tips for running when dealing with supination (high arches).

  • Hot Tubs For Injuries

    The health benefits of hot tubs include reducing joint and muscle pain, improving sports performances, and more.

  • Recover from a knee injury

    Hydrotherapy provides a weightless impact-free environment in which to recover from knee trauma and surgery. The buoyancy allows movement without impact or further trauma on the healing joint.

  • Injured while playing sports?

    This article helps you determine if you are entitled to file a personal injury claim and get compensation for your injury.

  • Sports Injuries First Aid

    Appropriate first aid can mean the difference between a complete recovery, or a devastating injury that could end an athlete's career.

  • Klatskin Tumour Treatment

    Symptoms of Klatskin tumour include jaundice, itching of the skin, discomfort, and pain in the abdomen, weight loss, enlarged liver, fever, and enlarged palpable gallbladder.

  • Bounce Back After Injury

    There is much to understand about how to cope with the sometimes-harsh realities of having a body that cannot safely achieve all that the mind demands of it.

  • Injury Prevention for Runners

    Prevention is better than cure, and by considering the advice below, you can go a long way to preventing running problems before they even begin.

  • Aromatherapy for Sprains

    Some of the most common areas where you can experience sprains are around your knees, wrists, toes, ankles, and thumbs.

  • Foot Pain

    When it comes to foot care, prevention is always better than cure because neglecting the early signs of problems can have far-reaching health effects.

  • How To Treat Shin Splint

    A shin splint, or tibial stress syndrome, is the pain that you get in the bone at the front of your leg, after a rigorous physical task. There are two kinds of shin splints - anterior and posterior shin splints.

  • Sports Injury Claim
    Although, sports injuries are a part of the game, in some cases, an injury is prompted due to another person's action it can get upsetting when one cannot participate in a football or a rugby game for a specified period. The feeling gets worse when the injury incurred was due to the conduct of the other party.
  • How to Treat Tennis Elbow
    As sports coaches, you can help people overcome physical ailments when medical doctors cannot. Had I reached out earlier, I may have realized my dreams.
  • How To Avoid Injuries As A Runner
    Given that injuries happen so quickly, are there ways you can prevent them? Yes, there are several methods for staying in top shape without the pain. Here are six suggestions to help you get started.
  • Common Sports Injuries and How to Prevent Them
    Whether you exercise a little on the weekend, maybe play a sport with your friends, or you are very athletic and train every day, there are some precautions you need to take to prevent common sports injuries.
  • Tips To Claim For Sports Injuries
    Here are some tips to follow if you want to claim compensation for sports injuries.
  • Dental Check-up
    Dental diseases can happen anytime. However, if you are visiting your dentist regularly, you are not going to face any problems. Therefore, make an appointment to see your dentist every four months.
  • Treatment of Soft Tissue Injuries
    The biggest risk factor for a soft injury is having had one previously. Therefore, when it comes to keeping these tissues safe, stretching, training, and refraining from pushing oneself beyond certain limits, are key.
  • 5 Benefits of CBD Oil
    It is said that scientists are yet to tap into CBD's full healing potential. However, in most cases, the benefits have little to no research backing the claims. It is more of a gamble, but since CBD oil has very little to no side effects, it is worth trying it out.
  • Treatments for Sports Injuries
    Two million young athletes suffer injuries annually, and 3,000 from the total number need hospitalisation at least once a year. While many choose medication to improve their state, complementary therapies can make them feel better and cope with the situation. Here is the top of the most used alternative treatments for sports injuries.
  • Sports Physiotherapy
    In this article, we discuss sports physiotherapy and the different methods used to accelerate the recovery process in both amateur and professional athletes.
  • Oral Hygiene

    Taking good care of your teeth is necessary to maintain dental health. Some of the measures required include regular brushing and flossing and visiting a dental expert, once every six months. WHY?

  • Personal Trainer Injury
    If you are a personal trainer who has been injured in an accident at work, you might feel like you have no choice but to work through it. After all, you will not get paid to sit on the couch in many cases, resting your injury. What can you do?
  • Personal Injury
    What to do when someone is responsible for your injury.
  • Running with Arthritis
    A guide to better understanding arthritis and finding smart ways to run without increasing the risk of injury.
  • Stress Fractures of the foot
    One fitness injury that can severely impact a training routine is a stress fracture in the foot. Many athletes think of shin splints as the primary stress fracture to be concerned about. However, the repercussions of developing a stress fracture in the foot can be just as consequential.
  • Knee Pain when Running
    Statistics show that knee problems are prevalent; they are the second most common joint injuries with spinal injuries taking the first spot. As such, the need for people to know what to do to avoid or lower the risk of knee troubles is paramount.
  • Snapping Hip Syndrome
    If you hear an audible snapping sound when you flex or extend your hip, you may be dealing with snapping hip syndrome. Don't miss this essential injury guide with tips for treating and preventing it.
  • Youth Soccer Injuries
    An overview of the seven common injuries experienced by youth soccer players and advice on treating and preventing them.
  • Protect your Teeth
    Sally Perkins explains how to protect your teeth during sports activities.
  • Weightlifting Back Pain
    Joe Fleming identifies the ten mistakes that cause back pain while weightlifting and how to correct them.
  • Enhance Your Post-Workout Recovery
    Joe Fleming provides ten easy ways to enhance your post-workout recovery.
  • Rotator Cuff Injuries
    A quick guide to understanding how a rotator cuff works, what common rotator cuff injuries are, and how to treat them.
  • Joint Pain
    If you have been exercising regularly but are still suffering from joint pain, your habits might be to blame. Read on to learn about nine workout habits that could be causing or making your joint pain worse.
  • Exercising with Hand and Wrist Injuries
    A hand or wrist injury might seem like a kiss of death for an avid weightlifter or gym-goer. How are you supposed to hold weight if your hand or wrist hurts? The good news is that you can still work out and see great results while dealing with hand and wrist injuries. You just need to get a little more creative. Read on to learn more about common hand and wrist injuries and find out how you can continue working out while dealing with them.
  • Flat Feet and Exercising
    Flat feet and fallen arches can make exercise, in particular, quite difficult, especially workouts that involve running or jumping. Having flat feet does not mean you have to skip exercising altogether, though. Read on to learn some tips and tricks that will make working out with flat feet easier and more enjoyable.
  • Regaining Your Fitness
    A 2017 study discovered that six million middle-aged Brits do not walk for even ten minutes a month. Because of this, so many people aged forty and over are struggling to keep fit and healthy, leading to problems such as obesity and high blood pressure. Luckily, it is never too late to get healthy and regain your fitness.
  • Understanding Fractures
    The deafening crack of a bone-breaking is painful enough, much less the treatment and recovery period that follows. A fracture can side-line your athletic ambitions in an instant and keep you off the field for weeks to months at a time. Do not miss this quick guide to understanding fractures and the steps you can take to guard yourself against them.
  • Muscle Spasms
    Joe Fleming explains how to prevent and treat muscle spasms whilst running.
  • Risk of Knee Injury
    Joe Fleming provides advice on the common gym mistakes that increase your risk of knee injuries.
  • Elbow Pain
    If you are someone who struggles with elbow joint pain when you lift weights, or if you just want to prevent such pain from occurring in the future, keep reading.
  • Contact-Sport Related Injuries
    Jerry Martin provides an overview of the common contact sport-related injuries. The risk of injury is part of the appeal of contact sports. Many fans and players love contact sports for the bravery players display when they make big tackles. Injuries are par for the course. As well as the usual sprains and strains familiar to any sportsman, contact-sport players regularly sustain cuts and bruises, and more severe injuries are not uncommon.
  • Stress in the Gym
    Joe Fleming explains how stress hinders progress in the gym and what you can do about it. Stress can negatively affect your workouts in a variety of ways. While many people feel that their life's chronic stress is inevitable, it certainly does not have to be that way. By reducing your stress, you can improve your physical and mental health and see improvements in your workouts.
  • How to Avoid Football Injuries
    At any level, football is a fast, physical game. The rapid twists and turns of dribbling, tackling and passing put pressure on a player's legs and hips. Professional footballers devote much of their training time to strengthening the ligaments, tendons and muscles which are potential flashpoints. Team coaches and physios work to condition the players' bodies, improve their flexibility and help them recover from any minor injuries they sustain during matches and training.
  • Treating Scoliosis
    Between six and nine million people (2-3% of the population) suffer from scoliosis. This condition is usually diagnosed during adolescence, but plenty of adults have scoliosis and do not realize it. Whether you already know you have scoliosis or think you might, this article can help you. Read on to learn everything you need to know about scoliosis and what you can do to treat it.
  • Feet and Ankle Strength
    Joe Fleming explains how to strengthen the feet and ankles to avoid injury and improve performance.
  • Tennis Elbow
    Tennis elbow is one of the most irritating injuries you can pick up as a tennis player. Caused by the repetitive gripping/swinging action, it is an injury that develops over time. Initially, you may start to feel some tendon pain. Then it disappears, only for it to keep coming back in varying degrees of pain. It is a form of tendonitis that is incredibly difficult to get rid of. Jeremy Barnes identifies seven ways to alleviate Tennis Elbow.
  • Knee Pain
    When people suffer from chronic knee pain, it is easy for them to fall into the trap of thinking it is in their best interest to give up exercise altogether. In reality, though, this can often make the problem worse instead of relieving their pain long-term. In many cases, rather than stopping all forms of exercise, the best course of action is to adjust your workout. Staying active can help keep the muscles around the knee strong and give the joint the support it needs. Here are some tips that will help you maintain an active lifestyle as you treat your knee pain and prevent it from getting worse.
  • Injury - Natural Healing or Surgery
    When an injury occurs, proper treatment is essential. Without it, the body is likely to heal improperly and never be the same. Some sports injuries can be treated naturally, but others will only get better and heal correctly with surgery. Athletes hate hearing that they have to have surgery because it will always mean a longer recovery time.
  • The Right Mattress
    It is of paramount importance to sleep on the right mattress. A cheap and low-quality one might result in several health problems.
  • Weightlifting and headaches
    Several factors can cause tension headaches, but people who exercise and lift weights regularly may be more prone to tension headaches than others. If you experience tension headaches regularly, read on to find out which of your lifting habits could be contributing to your pain and learn more about how you can prevent and treat these kinds of headaches.
  • Shoulder Injuries
    Shoulder injuries are common, especially among athletes and avid gym-goers. The shoulder is one of the most mobile and complex joints in the human body and, because of this, there is a lot that can go wrong if you are not careful. Keep your shoulder joints safe and intact is essential if you want to continue to play your favourite sports or perform your favourite exercises. Listed below are five of the most common shoulder injuries, along with tips on how to prevent and adequately treat them
  • Treating Sports Injuries Naturally
    Whether you are an athlete or an avid gym-goer, injuries are often inevitable for people who train consistently. That being said, you can do a lot of things to treat common injuries like muscle sprains and strains without turning to pharmaceuticals, which come with several problematic side effects. This article reviews eight all-natural remedies used to treat all kinds of sports and exercise-related injuries.
  • Foot Arch Type
    How much do you pay attention to your foot health? While you may be aware that your feet help you get around and keep your body balanced while standing or moving, they contribute so much to your general health and well-being, most especially if you are into sports. In this respect, it is no wonder that the shoes you choose have a more significant impact on your biomechanics than you might realize. Did you know there is a bit of a science to buying the right shoes for your feet with your foot arch type?
  • Working Out with Wrist Injury
    Wrist injuries are quite common among gym-goers, especially if you are in the business of lifting heavy weights or doing lots of intense bodyweight exercises. Whether you are dealing with a strain, a sprain, or a broken bone, there are still lots of ways you can keep up with your workouts while letting your wrist recover. If you feel a little defeated after injuring your wrist, keep these nine tips in mind and give them a try during your next training session.
  • Treating Sports Hernias
    The name 'sports hernia' is a misnomer because, unlike other hernias, it does not form a visible bulge and does not tend to heal well with rest and other traditional recovery methods. In this article, we highlight a sports hernia's symptoms and discuss the most recommended treatments for the condition.
  • Exercise Treatment for Chronic Illness
    In conjunction with medication and dietary and lifestyle changes, exercise is a treatment option for several chronic illnesses, including the four common ones listed in the article.
  • Slipped Disk in Athletes
    Joe Fleming provides an overview of a slipped disc: symptoms, causes, classification, treatment and prevention.
  • Are Sports Dangerous?
    Paul Aitken provides an overview of surprisingly dangerous sports and not so dangerous sports.
  • Runner's Knee Conditions
    Joe Fleming provides an overview of the knee conditions, resulting from running.
  • Exercise helps with Withdraw
    Paul Aitken explains the positive effects of exercise for the recovering addict.
  • Tennis Elbow & Weight Training
    Nurse Susan provides advice on weight training if you have tennis elbow.
  • Martial Arts Injuries
    Joe Fleming explains how to prevent and treat Martial Arts injuries.
  • Healing Sports Injuries the Holistic Way
    Sally Perkins looks at several holistic ways to mend some sports injuries.
  • Buying the Right Mattress
    Mandy Bular explains how to choose the perfect mattress for your health.
  • Sport and Mental Health
    Sally Perkins looks at the Top Sports Stars who have opened up about their mental health.
  • How to Start Working Out Again After an Injury
    Nurse Susan provides an overview of how to get back in physical shape following an injury.
  • Plantar Fasciitis Pain
    Nurse Susan explains how to take care of Plantar Fasciitis Pain.
  • Passive Smoking
    Paul Robinson considers the effect on our health of passive smoking and how we might mitigate it.
  • Tips for Outdoor Adventurers
    Joe Fleming explains how to take care of your feet.
  • Common Skin Problems
    Mr Tayyab provides an overview of the six common skin problems and how to treat them.
  • Overuse Injuries
    Joe Fleming identifies the common lower extremities overuse injuries and how to help prevent them from occurring.
  • Protect Your Body While Exercising
    Joe Fleming explains how to protect your body best when exercising.
  • Gym-fit or Germed Up?
    Sally Perkins looks at the importance of hygiene when using gym equipment.
  • Recovery from a Sports Injury
    Jen Randowska provides some tips to help you recover from a sports injury.
  • Youth Basketball Injuries
    Joe Fleming provides an overview of some of the common injuries experienced by youth basketball players and strategies to address and prevent these injuries.
  • Hydration Measurement Methods for Athletes
    It is a good idea to consider several simple hydration testing methods that can be performed conveniently and efficiently. Cristina Vulpe provides three user-friendly ways to check your level of hydration.
  • Anaemia Treatment
    Anaemia is a severe condition that people should be treated promptly and adequately. It can vary from mild to severe disorder, depending on the type of anaemic condition and vitamin deficiency. In this regard, it is important to know the natural treatments to prevent anaemia. Here are interesting facts about treating anaemia naturally.

  • 3M Tegaderm Film
    Often you can find yourself having trouble healing minor wounds in hard to reach places. This might include between your fingers, toes or anywhere on your body. Standard bandages can sometimes not help due to their nature of not maintaining their application. Tegaderm is a medical transparent film dressing used to cover minor skin injuries and puncture sites. The most important advantage of 3M Tegaderm film is its breathability and flexibility with movements, making it perfect for fingers and toes.
  • Ankle Injury
    Jessica Hegg considers that physical recovery is the top priority when faced with physical injury, but what else deserves equal attention?
  • Does Wearing A Brace Help Prevent Injury
    Jessica Hegg reviews the evidence to support braces to help prevent injury.
  • How to Detect Connection between Memory loss and Brain Injury
    Imagine this - you wake up in a room where you have no memories of getting into or falling asleep. You see a man beside you, and you cannot remember his face, his name. You instantly feel as you are in some danger. What you remember is doing your homework or crossing the street. So how did you end up in this unfamiliar room?
  • How to Treat a Sports-Related Concussion
    Barry Wilkes provides an overview of the treatment process for head injuries.
  • Regeneration Sessions
    Fatigue and overtraining are major variables that are often neglected due to improper monitoring of an athlete or an incorrectly designed program where high intensities and volumes are used without proper recovery and rest. When designing a strength and conditioning program, rest must be carefully planned to avoid overtraining and/or fatigue which could lead to injuries.
  • When to seek medical advice for an injury.
    Injuries of any kind are a severe inconvenience even beyond any pain and discomfort they may cause us. Broken bones or cuts are easily treated with a hospital visit. Still, minor strains or sprains can leave us not functioning at our best for anything up to months on end, especially if we are not in a position where we can take the time out to rest and recover properly.
  • Electronic Muscle Massagers
    Most people carry a great deal of tension in the body's neck or leg area, and they frequently experience unbearable pain. A specialized electronic massager will release all that negative tension, helping the user to relax. Does an electronic muscle massager work?
  • Sporting Injuries and Pain
    An important part of dealing with an injury is understanding and handling the pain, allowing the body to fix the damage and living with the injury while it heals. It can be tempting, especially for committed athletes, to carry on training after they are injured.
  • Common Myths about Diabetes
    About 6% of the world's adult population is diagnosed with diabetes. The number could be even more as many people have diabetes but are unaware of it. Diabetes can be a life-threatening disease, but it can be easily managed with proper care and leading a healthy lifestyle. Here are some common myths about diabetes.
  • Recovering from Sports Injuries
    If you injure yourself and it was your fault, or merely an unfortunate accident, then there is nothing else to do but dust yourself down and vow to be more careful in the future. If your injury came about as the result of someone else's negligence, however, then you may well be in a position to claim compensation.
  • Sports Injury Claims
    You do not have to be a world-class athlete to file a claim for compensation for a sports injury. You could be just an average Joe, playing in a summer cricket league with a bunch of co-workers. If an accident were to occur there, and the fault is not of your own, you have the right to make a legal claim.
  • Common Lacrosse Injuries
    Jen Fox provides an overview of Lacrosse's history, common injuries incurred when participating in the sport, how to reduce the risk of an injury, and finally, the treatment of injuries.
  • Regaining Fitness after a Road Accident
    The process of rehabilitation after acquiring an injury through a road accident can be a long and slow one, and you will require the support of a range of professionals.
  • Why so many cyclists suffer from low back pain
    Cycling enthusiasts, especially older riders, are likely to have some form of low back pain. The exact cause or source of the low back pain is often tricky to determine. The muscles, joints and nerves in the low back region are a complex system that is inter-weaved and work together.
  • Findings related to Patellar Tendinopathy
    Patellar Tendinopathy is known as "Jumper's Knee" is caused by the overuse of the Patellar Tendon. The key warning sign of "Jumper's Knee" is a shooting pain just below the Patella, known as the kneecap, when walking, working out, or performing daily activities. The overuse of the Patellar Tendon represents 15% of all soft-tissue injuries in athletes.
  • Back Pain: Prevention and Treatment
    This article provides information that will allow for a better understanding of the likelihood of suffering from back pain, and how many of these conditions can be treated or prevented.
  • Back Injuries in Young Athletes
    This article is a review of the various problems related to common back injuries in young athletes.
  • Back Pain
    This article provides information about artificial disc replacement surgery, pre-operative preparation, the surgical procedure, and post-operative recovery.
  • Overuse Injuries and training year-round for one sport
    This article provides information about injuries associated with the year around practice and participation in the same sport.
  • Why cyclist experience upper back pain
    Cyclists tend to have neck and upper back problems for several reasons discussed in this article. I will suggest some good solutions as well, so keep pedalling and read on.
  • A Review of Knee Rehabilitation Methods
    This article investigates which methods of rehab should be used with different types of knee surgery. The knee injuries selected for review include the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and osteoarthritis.
  • Insulin Problems
    A review of the issues related to insulin problems for student-athletes competing in sports.
  • ACL Rehabilitation: Getting Back in the Game
    The focus of this article is on injuries occurring to the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) and what it takes to overcome such adversity
  • Be safe and enjoy your sport
    Jen Fox provides some advice on how to be safe whilst participating in the sports you enjoy.
  • Runner's Foot Injuries
    This article discusses several common injuries suffered to the foot (Plantar Fasciitis, Metatarsal Stress Fractures, blisters, Metatarsalgia, Morton's Syndrome, Turf Toe, and Sesamoiditis).
  • Rehabilitation of Common Runners Foot Injuries
    This article provides suggestions on adequately caring for common foot injuries in runners (Plantar Fasciitis, Metatarsal Stress Fractures, blisters, Metatarsalgia, Morton's Syndrome, Turf Toe, and Sesamoiditis).
  • Ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction
    This article discusses the processes related to Ulnar Collateral Ligament (UCL) surgery and rehabilitation.
  • Muscle Balance: Getting it Right
    Muscle balance is vital in preventing injuries and may help develop maximum speed and improved muscular performance. If not addressed, through a well thought out and disciplined training program, muscle imbalances can slow down and injure the young athlete.
  • Concussion Syndrome
    This article discusses concussion syndrome and the effects of concussions on individuals. Concussions are a serious injury and should not be overlooked under any circumstance. Numerous steps can be taken to help prevent concussions and care for them.
  • Here's a good rehab program to help an injured athlete stay fit
    Advice on how to help an injured athlete maintain a reasonable level of fitness.
  • How to treat damaged soft tissues with Rice
    How the body reacts to injury and advice on treating soft tissue injuries.
  • Lower leg injuries - how to stay trouble-free
    Research shows how the muscles in the ankle and lower part of the leg function during running and provides clues about how to keep the areas between your knees and your feet injury-free.

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