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Steve Cochrane looks at how we might injure ourselves while participating in our favourite sport. These circumstances allow you to claim compensation for the injury and the steps to minimise incurring an injury.

Taking part in a sporting activity is suitable for your body and mind. The physical effects are relatively apparent, but the psychological boost provided by the exercise of this kind cannot be overestimated. Whether you cycle, participate in a Sunday football league, play tennis, or any of the thousands of amateur sporting activities available throughout the UK, the sheer act of getting out and about has been shown to boost confidence levels whilst helping to ward off depression and anxiety. However, it is only fitting to accept that there is an occasional downside in the form of sporting injuries. No matter how careful you are, it is impossible to guarantee that you will always be safe, mainly since you rely on fellow participants or organisers to be just as diligent.

If you injure yourself and it was your fault or merely an unfortunate accident, then there is nothing else to do but dust yourself down and vow to be more careful in the future. If your injury resulted from someone else's negligence, however, you may be in a position to claim compensation. The negligence in question could take many different forms. The equipment you were using may not have been appropriately maintained, the playing surface itself was left in an unsafe condition, or an opponent launched a vindictive and reckless challenge.

Other contributory factors are a coach pushing you too hard or working you without a sufficient warm-up. No matter the circumstances, if someone else has made a mistake that leaves you physically injured, then it is only fair that you should not be the one who must keep paying.

You may receive money if you can demonstrate that someone else was negligent and that this led to your injury. The actual amount will be calculated based on the type and severity of your injury, plus an amount designed to ensure that you do not end up being out of pocket. It means you will be compensated for expenses such as medical bills, travel costs, and medication purchases and an amount to reimburse you for any lost wages. Most sporting injuries are dealt with via a treatment program that includes a rest period. In many cases, this rest will preclude you from being able to go out and earn a living, and compensation will ensure that you and your family can be provided for until you can work again.

Of course, as helpful as compensation may be, there is nothing quite as useful as not getting injured in the first place, and there are specific steps that can be taken to maximise your chances of achieving this. The first is to treat even minor injuries as soon as they occur rather than ignoring them in the hope that they will go away - a tactic that will generally only make things worse. On top of this, you should avoid exertion when you are already feeling exhausted and always make sure that you maintain sufficient hydration levels.

It is vital to check all the equipment you use before starting, especially if you take a bicycle out on the road. This includes monitoring the maintenance of the playing surface you are using and any specialised clothing you have to wear.

Sports injuries can run the gamut from minor twists and sprains to broken bones or severe physical trauma. You can never eliminate the risk, mainly when dealing with other people's actions, but you can take the time and trouble to keep yourself as safe as possible.

Page Reference

If you quote information from this page in your work, then the reference for this page is:

  • COCHRANE, S. (2013) Recovering From Sports Injuries [WWW] Available from: [Accessed

About the Author

Steve Cochrane is a freelance writer interested in various subjects. He is passionate about expressing his interests in words.