Passive Smoking
Paul Robinson considers the effect on our health of passive smoking and how we might mitigate it.
The process of inhaling any form of tobacco smoke is detrimental to one's health, no matter if it is through direct intent or as a second-hand by-product. Still, the first case indicates a voluntary choice of an individual, whereas the second may come as a result of sharing any closed space with a stranger.
The Health Effects of Passive Smoking
Passive, or second-hand smoke as it is known, is the smoke that comes out of the cigar while burning, as well as the one that is breathed out of the smoker in your vicinity. While there is still some room for doubt, scientific data strongly claim that inhaling this form of smoke is even more damaging than smoking a cigar, cigarette, or even pipe.
People interested in any form of fitness or personal health improvement are less likely to adopt this habit, but such personal choices are up to each one individually. Now, when it affects the surrounding environment in damaging ways, it might be helpful to be informed about it and possibly develop an approach to mitigate it.
Second-hand smoke contains about 7000 chemicals, over 50 of which are cancer-related. What is more, such smoke can retain itself in a specific room even after you can no longer see or smell it. |
In such cases, the lungs are the most vulnerable organs, and people with chronic respiratory problems such as asthma could note the significant rise in symptoms.
Coronary diseases can also be caused by passive smoke and many health effects on the person's outward appearance – skin glow, hair and clothes smell, and much more.
How to Mitigate Such Effects
As mentioned already, passive smoking is what the name suggests – a completely involuntary act that you need to endure along with its side effects. In this regard, people who only occasionally contact such smoke may not find it urgent. Still, those that regularly visit such locations or have an active smoker living in their home will need to adopt a strategy for everyone's benefit.
Since the first scientific data confirmed the effects of smoking on people's health, many laws have been passed in favour of keeping non-smokers safe from second-hand smoke-filled environments. As such, public cafes, bars, and other locations became smoke-free, but some countries and specific locations are still looking for a way around the legislation. Namely, casino floors worldwide employ standard techniques to keep players betting.
They avoid windows and clocks as symbols of the outside world and provide free liquor and free smoking areas, often disturbing other enthusiasts who do not practice smoking. Nowadays, efforts are made to regulate this area. Still, until your favourite location is smoke-free, you can take action to the online casinos and enjoy the benefits of the tech era.
A smoker in one's home may be more challenging to handle, but ground rules, a smoking jacket or room could help them quit the habit altogether.
Page Reference
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- ROBINSON, P. (2018) Passive Smoking [WWW] Available from: [Accessed
About the Author
Paul Robinson is an online marketer having good knowledge of gambling, sports, and games-related topics. He is a good gambling player as well.