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Plantar Fasciitis Pain

Nurse Susan explains how to take care of Plantar Fasciitis Pain.

A quick quiz:

  • Do you have high arches or flat feet?
  • Do you run, walk, or stand on hard surfaces for lengthy amounts of time?
  • Are you overweight? Do you walk with pronated (rolling inward) feet?
  • Are your shoes worn out, or do they not fit properly?
  • Are you experiencing shooting pain in your heels when you walk or stand?

If you have answered yes to two or more of these, you may have developed plantar fasciitis.

Plantar Fasciitis, or the inflammation of a band of fibrous tissue along the bottom of your foot that connects your toes and your heel bone, can cause intense pain in your heel. This can happen from strenuous activity, or it may happen only just from long periods of walking or standing. If this occurs, you will start to feel pain in your heels and bottom of your feet, typically a shooting pain that can be annoying at the very least and downright excruciating for some.

Another symptom of plantar fasciitis is feeling heel and foot pain when taking those first steps in the morning. You can do things to remedy this problem and ease your pain.

Compression Socks

First, you can try wearing an ankle brace compression sleeve, a type of plantar fasciitis foot sock that provides arch support. Wearing these socks may provide relief from your plantar fasciitis symptoms while possibly easing joint pain and reducing swelling. They may also reduce pain caused by arthritis, tendonitis, or soreness resulting from muscle fatigue. Ankle sleeves are typically used for sports, but you can also benefit from wearing them while performing everyday life activities. They allow you to have a full range of motion while supporting your injury. Make sure that you are also wearing plantar fasciitis walking shoes. It will help the plantar ligament make you more comfortable and relieve the pain caused by walking with plantar fasciitis.

In a 2012 study, researchers found plantar stretching to be one of the best treatments for plantar fasciitis and plantar fasciitis related heel pain.

Obtaining a plantar fasciitis stretch sock may help with your plantar injury. The stretch sock can help provide a dorsiflexion foot stretch while you are sleeping, which may help your foot and ankle feel looser after sleeping, and therefore you might have a wider range of motion in the morning and throughout the day. The sock may take some getting used to, but it does allow it to be loosened or tightened as per your comfort level. You can also unhook it when going to the bathroom during the night.


You can additionally start a stretching routine that may significantly reduce the pain caused by plantar fasciitis. You can begin by doing it 3-4 days a week, working yourself up to a daily routine. It is best to perform plantar stretches upon waking.

  • Up and Downs - After you wake, sit up at the edge of your bed and perform up and downs by bringing your toes as high up as they can go and then dropping them down to the lowest point they can. Do this ten times.
  • Tennis Ball Roll - Have a seat in a chair and roll a tennis ball under your foot from heel to toe ten times. Eventually, you can move on to a standing Tennis Ball Roll. Possibly after a week or two.
  • Achilles Tendon Stretch - Find a stairwell or steps somewhere, preferably a place with a railing to brace yourself. Stand with your heels hanging off the step and lower your heel down as far as you can without injury. Then, hold for 15 seconds before moving back to a level position. Do this five times. Remember, if you need extra balance, use a railing or grab a partner's shoulder if you can.
  • Downward Toe Stretch - For this stretch, you want to sit in a chair with your foot placed upon your knee, like how you might sit at a meeting or something. Take your toes and stretch them downward. You should feel the top of your foot, ankle, and shin loosen. Do this between 10 and 20 times.
  • Towel Stretch - Sit on the ground with your leg extended and toes outstretched. Take a rolled towel and place it under your forefoot (the ball of your foot). Pull the towel back gently until your foot is straight and hold for about 10 seconds. Do this five times.
  • Hamstring Stretch - Grab your towel and lie on your back. Wrap the towel around the middle of your foot and this time pull up and back until you feel a good stretch in your hamstring. Do this three times for 15 seconds.
  • Glute Stretch - Lie on your back, cross your right foot over your left knee. Push up your right leg with the left knee until the stretch in your glutes is noticeable and hold for 15 seconds. Switch to the left foot over your right leg and repeat for three rounds.


You can give yourself a plantar fascia massage. Do this by placing both thumbs on your heel. Gently move your thumbs upwards and out toward your toes for three to five minutes.

You can also massage the top of your feet. Massaging the tendons and small muscles near the top of your ankle in a circular motion. Do this for three to five minutes.

Just about anyone can help alleviate their plantar fasciitis pain by following these simple steps. Whether you are a serious athlete, a weekend warrior, or anyone who has a job that keeps them on their feet for many hours at a time; like a mailman or woman. Committing to a program and gradually working out or stretching out the pain can potentially put you on the path to recovery in no time at all.

Using ice slippers as part of an ice therapy program can be a lovely addition to your stretching and massage routine. You can also use ice therapy for relief by wrapping your foot in an ice pack, using an ice wrap, or wearing ice therapy slippers. You will not have to worry about dealing with wrapping a towel or ice pack around your feet.

As always, remember to consult your physician before starting any stretching or exercise program.

Page Reference

If you quote information from this page in your work, then the reference for this page is:

  • NURSE, S. (2018) Plantar Fasciitis Pain [WWW] Available from: [Accessed

About the Author

Nurse Susan has always been passionate about helping people heal. After she retired from a lifelong career as a nurse, that passion did not disappear. She loves to use her expertise to write about the best ways to keep you and your family healthy, active, and happy.