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Common Myths about Diabetes

Kerry Thompson looks at some of the common myths about the common disease of diabetes.

About 6% of the world's adult population is diagnosed with diabetes. The number could be even more as many people have diabetes but are unaware of it. Diabetes can be a life-threatening disease, but it can be easily managed with proper care and leading a healthy lifestyle. It is vital to get a clear idea about diabetes and a plan to deal with it. There are a lot of misconceptions and myths about the disease which are misleading. Here are some common myths about diabetes that give out a wrong idea about the condition.

Diabetes is not a severe disease

Diabetes is a severe disease and can be even deadly. Diabetes causes more deaths than breast cancer and AIDS combined. Having diabetes even doubles the chances of having a heart attack. However, the good news is that diabetes can be controlled. Leading a healthy life with diabetes is always possible. Consider it like crossing a road. If you are not careful, you may even meet with death. However, if you are careful enough, it is not serious. The same goes for diabetes. If you are careful and lead a healthy lifestyle with proper diet and exercise, diabetes will not be an issue. Diabetes can cause foot pain peripheral neuropathy, and neuropathy inserts can help alleviate this pain when exercising

You will develop diabetes if you are overweight or obese

The fact is that being overweight or obese is indeed a risk factor for diabetes. Most people overlook other factors and consider overweight the only factor that leads to the disease. However, other factors like a family history of the disease, age, and ethnicity also play a crucial role. Most overweight people do not develop type 2 diabetes, and most people with type 2 diabetes are average weight. You can test yourself with self-diabetic test strips.

People with diabetes should eat special diets

A healthy diet for diabetic people is more or less the same as that for non-diabetics. The food should be low in saturated and trans-fat, moderate in salt and sugar, with lean protein, non-starchy vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, and fruits. The hard truth is that diabetic foods do not offer many unique benefits. Most of them still raise blood sugar levels, are more expensive, and even cause laxative effects if they contain sugar alcohols.

Some patients opt to take medication that helps their bodies remove excess glucose through their urine. This, together with a healthy diet and exercise, is an effective way to prevent a rise in blood sugar levels in cases of Type 2 diabetes.

People with diabetes are more likely to catch a cold and other illness

People with diabetes are similar to catching a disease, just like non-diabetics. However, any illness can make diabetes more difficult, especially flu, which can develop into severe complications for people with diabetes. This is why people with diabetes are advised to get flu shots.

People with diabetes cannot eat sweets or chocolate

People with diabetes can also enjoy sweets or chocolates without developing severe complications. However, they should be eaten as part of a healthy meal plan or combined with exercise. The key is to eat them in small portions and save them for special occasions to focus on your main meals and healthy foods.


These are some common myths about diabetes. It is vital to have a clear understanding of the disease and its implications, not just for diabetes but for every ailment. So, it would help if you always shared your doubts and concerns with your doctor.

Page Reference

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  • THOMPSON, K. (2016) Common Myths about Diabetes [WWW] Available from: [Accessed

About the Author

Kerry Thompson is a registered clinician. She says that the best way to avoid getting diabetes is taking better care of yourself by eating well-balanced meals and going for regular check-ups with your doctor.