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Oral Hygiene

Silvia Watson identifies the essential steps to take to maintain good oral hygiene.

Taking good care of your teeth is necessary to maintain dental health. Some of the measures required are regular brushing and flossing along with visiting a dental expert, once every six months. If you are accustomed to the benefits of fluoride, then it is an additional bonus.

The benefits of brushing

Brushing the teeth is essential and considered to be a fundamental task for maintaining oral hygiene. It helps in removing all the tiny food particles hidden within the teeth joints and also prevents the occurrence of bacteria that may cause tooth decay. Also, brushing helps in keeping the teeth cleaner and whiter, while removing the plaques that may result in causing gum diseases. Brushing is a must after every meal to prevent a bacterial attack on the teeth and gums. At the least, you need to brush at least twice a day: once after you wake up in the morning and once before you go to bed at night.

What about the flossing?

Regular flossing helps in preventing early gum inflammation (gingivitis), tooth decay, and plaque buildup. The entire process is minimal in terms of risk factor involvement. Also, it does not ask for high expenses. It is recommended that one should floss after every meal. But then, if you are not so much interested, do it at least once a day, preferably before going to bed at night.

Do you need to visit a dentist?

You are brushing and flossing your teeth regularly. Now, should you be visiting a dentist? Yes, after every six months. Dental care health checkup is essential; however, in most scenarios, we fail to give importance to them. With an oral checkup, you can quickly identify minor dental problems. In case you are an ardent smoker, simple brushing and flossing cannot protect your oral health. Also, if you have some history of cavity-based gum diseases and suffer from overall poor health conditions; an oral health check-up is a crucial thing to consider. Search Yelp page to come across a reputed and reliable dentist. Visiting such a dentist can prove to be highly beneficial over time.

You must educate your kids to develop healthy dental practices. Maintaining good oral hygiene keeps a person healthy and well-groomed. Being the guardian, you have a more significant role to play in supporting the dental health of your kids. You must remember that prevention starts with a positive approach from the elders who are closest to the kids. Make the kids accustomed to the importance of good eating habits and regular cleaning of teeth in a proper manner. This prevents the chances of tooth decay. If tooth decay is treated effectively in the early years, it can result in a healthy and germ-free buccal cavity. Or else, there can be an infection developing on the gums that cause constant pain, bleeding from the gums, yellowing of teeth, and last but not the least, swollen gums. Precaution must be taken to prevent these critical dental problems from taking place.

Maintaining good dental health need not have to be a complicated process. You need to floss and brush regularly, at least twice a day. Visit the dentist twice a year. That's it. Your oral health is well protected!

Page Reference

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  • WATSON, S. (2019) Oral Hygiene [WWW] Available from: [Accessed

About the Author

Silvia Watson is a freelance content writer. She has written many excellent and informative articles on different categories. She is a featured author at various authoritative blogs in the health and fitness industry and is currently associated as a blogger with multiple blogs.