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StrengthTips to Promote Continued Strength DevelopmentDr Larry W. McDaniel and Allen Jackson provide advice that may be helpful to those in the intermediate or advanced stages of training who may be searching for ways to stimulate muscle growth, reach a plateau in strength improvement, or demonstrate boredom with their current training routine. The theory for increasing muscle power, strength, or endurance provides opportunities for your muscles to work harder than they are accustomed to. You may overload the muscles by progressively increasing intensity. For example, more intensity may be generated in weight training by adding more weight and increasing the number of sets and reps, adjusting the rest interval, and cycling your training programs.To increase muscular endurance, one suggestion would be to decrease the rest interval. To increase muscular power, one must not only move a significant amount of weight but increase the speed of the movements. The Overload Principle underlies all types of training! (Wilmore & Costill 2004)[3]
Tips to energize your workout and increase strengthCycle TrainingTraining periods may maximize the development of your metabolic systems, reduce injuries, or stimulate muscle growth and strength. One suggestion would be to use 4-6 cycles per year. Cycle your workouts to focus on muscular strength, endurance, or power. During the power cycles, incorporate lower-body jump plyometrics, upper-body plyometrics, medicine ball exercises, and power lifts. At least one cycle per year should focus on unilateral training using dumbbells or machines that would allow working each limb individually. (Weider 2008)[2] (Wilmore & Costill 2004)[3] Muscle ConfusionAn important factor in maintaining constant improvement would be never fully allowing your body to adapt to a specific training protocol. Muscle memory, or "Engram," is the term used to describe this process, which involves the nervous system's adjustment to repeating or practising the technique. This process involves mapping the nerves and the activated muscle fibres and storing this information in the brain. Varying workouts by manipulating the order in which the exercises were performed, and the types of exercises for each body part may increase strength. As the economy of effort (improvement in technique) increases, less stress is placed on the working muscles. By varying your workouts, new challenges will be presented to the muscle in each training cycle that may increase muscle growth. (Weider 2008)[2] (Wilmore & Costill 2004)[3] IsolationMuscles work in unison or are relatively independent of each other. To maximize shape or build a muscle independently, you must "isolate" the muscle or use lifts that separate it from the different muscle groups. For example, one may isolate the bicep by performing the bicep curl with a dumbbell and performing the exercise by supinating the hand on the later part of the movement. (Luttgens & Hamilton 2006)[1] (Weider 2008)[2] Eclectic TrainingThis form of training combines mass building with isolation-refinement movements into a specific training system. This training principle suggests that you select a variety of exercises and general principles that work best for you to increase muscle mass and definition. (Weider 2008)[2] Pre-ExhaustionWork the muscle with an isolation exercise to fatigue, then perform multi-joint activities. Use this technique periodically to shock the muscle or state another way to apply different stress. (Weider 2008[2] Continuous TensionMomentum in weight training may slow strength development. Once the weight has started moving, it weighs less. Perform the exercise slowly so that the tension or stress on the muscle being worked is constant or continuous. This tip may not be beneficial in powerlifting. (Weider 2008)[2] Reverse GravityAlso called negative or eccentric lifts, they involve resisting the downward force of gravity as you lower the weight. Negative reps are a common cause of soreness yet are essential in maximum muscle growth. Many experts suggest muscle growth is more common to eccentric contractions than concentric ones. (Weider 2008)[2] (Wilmore & Costill 2004)[3] Peak ContractionIt allows you to keep full tension on the muscle. For example, when performing a bicep curl, stop the movement when the arm is about a foot away from the shoulder and perform an isometric contraction. Remember to contract the muscle as hard as you can! Peak contraction may maximize muscle growth! (Weider 2008)[2] FlushingTo stimulate muscle growth, one must engorge the muscle with blood. By performing 3-4 lifts for three-plus sets for a selected muscle, you can maintain a high blood level in the muscle. This process is called "Flushing" (transit hypertrophy). The rest period is also reduced in Flushing. Many bodybuilders believe that the connective tissue surrounding the muscle, bundles of muscle, and each muscle fibre may need to be stretched to increase muscle size. (Weider 2008)[2] (Wilmore & Costill 2004)[3] Rest-PauseHow can you work a max weight for more than 2-3 reps? When using the rest-pause technique, perform 2-3 reps rest for 30 seconds, then repeat. Increase the rest period after each set: 30 sec., then 40 sec., etc. This technique may allow you to work near maximum weights to stimulate muscle growth and strength. (Weider 2008)[2] Stretching muscles during strength trainingStretching muscles in each lift during the rest period between sets may stimulate strength development. However, stretching between sets may hinder progress in power development. (Luttgens & Hamilton 2006)[1] (Wilmore & Costill 2004)[3]
Tips related to planning the number of sets and reps to improve strengthSet SystemSome weight training programs suggest only one set per exercise. Most professional trainers recommend one warm-up set and a minimum of 3 working sets for the best results for athletes or bodybuilders. (Weider 2008)[2] Partial RepsPartial reps can be completed at the beginning, mid-point, or the end of the exercise motion. Example "Curls 21"
Partial reps may assist in overcoming weak areas of a specific exercise movement. (Weider 2008)[2] Forced RepsForced reps are similar to "Cheated Reps". If you are bench pressing a weight for eight reps, have your training partner assist you past the fatigue or sticking point in the pressing motion to add 2-3 more reps. Forced reps push your muscle beyond normal fatigue to stimulate higher growth and muscle density! (Weider 2008)[2] Staggered SetsFor most lifters, staggered sets allow them to use their time more economically. For most lifters, staggered sets will enable them to use their time more economically. (Weider 2008)[2] Split SystemAfter a few months of training the whole body three times a week, split your workout; for example, upper and lower body sections or utilize movements that involve pushing one day and pulling the next. The Split system may allow one to use energy more effectively for higher-intensity training. (Weider 2008)[2] Double SplitMany bodybuilders or athletes work 1-2 body parts in the morning, then return to the gym later and work 1-2 more body parts (the Double Split-weight training involves working out twice daily). It allows for a higher energy level for each part worked. Splitting your routine may allow you to perform at a higher level of intensity, pushing your muscles to significant growth and strength. (Weider 2008)[2] Triple SplitSame concepts as Double Split, expect you work out three times a day! (Weider 2008)[2] Super SetsSelect an exercise for antagonistic muscle groups, such as triceps and biceps, Back and chest, Lower Back and abs, Quadriceps and hamstrings, etc. Then, alternate muscle groups for each working set. (Weider 2008)[2] Compound SetsSimilar to Super Sets except for alternate two exercises for the same muscle group. (Weider 2008)[2] Tri-SetsThis term describes the performance of three exercises for the same muscle group without resting between sets. It is an excellent shaping technique and may increase vascularity. (Weider 2008)[2] Giant SetsGiant Sets comprise 4 to 6 exercises for the same muscle group without rest between sets. An additional suggestion would be to work the muscle from different angles. (Weider 2008)[2] Descending SetsHeavy to the light system. (Stripping the Barbell] After a warm-up, start with a heavyweight and a few reps, then reduce the weight and add reps in lower increments. (Weider 2008)[2] Tips for fine-tuning 1RM percentages to increase strengthSuggestions:Re-test or max out to examine progress in various muscle groups during and at the end of each cycle or period. Then, adjust the workload, sets, and reps using percentages of the new 1RM. PyramidingStart by performing 12 reps with 60% 1RM for the muscle group involved.
The principle of Pyramiding states that as the amount of weight increases, the number of reps decreases. The number of sets and percentages may be adjusted from those above to fit your needs. (Weider 2008)[2] (Wilmore & Costill 2004)[3] Reverse PyramidingPerform this technique when you know you will have some time off from your workouts. For example, start the first set near or in the 90% range of the 1 RM, perform 1-2 reps, and then work down the pyramid. (Weider 2008)[2] Adjusting the order or sequence for performing lifts to increase strengthMuscle PriorityTrain your weakest body part (muscle group) first when your energy is high. The higher the intensity, the more muscle you can build, but this intensity takes lots of energy! (Weider 2008)[2] Modes of Resistance TrainingChange the modes of resistance training with each cycle or within each cycle. Use barbells, dumbbells, machines, medicine balls, and upper and lower body plyometrics. References
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About the AuthorsDr. Larry McDaniel is an associate professor and advisor for the Exercise Science program at Dakota State University, Madison, SD, USA. He is a former All-American football player, and Hall of Fame athlete, and coach. Allen Jackson is an Assistant Professor at Chadron State College. |