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Look to a Fluid Bike Trainer for a quiet ride

Ron Fritzke explains why fluid bike trainers are far superior to magnetic and wind trainers.

I cannot say that riding my bike trainer for two hours last night was particularly pleasant.  But it sure beat the alternative of riding outside when the temperature was nearly freezing on slippery roads lacking in the "street light" department.

Notwithstanding the scowl I directed toward the trainer after my sweaty ride, I am thankful to have been able to do my ride indoors. And I say that even after having suffered the additional pain of watching my favourite football team get trounced as I pedalled along.

But enough of the snivelling. Let me pass on a little "bike trainer knowledge." I have written enough indoor bike trainer reviews to become somewhat of a bike trainer geek. I have learned that "fluid bike trainers" reign supreme if there is one thing.

Sound level is important

Fluid bike trainers are the quietest indoor trainers compared to magnetic or wind trainers. However, the sound level of a ride on a trainer can become a real problem, especially if the cyclist is riding in close quarters (like in an apartment complex).

One of the worst offenders in the "excessive noise" department is the wind trainer when ridden at high speeds. It can be such a problem that one of the manufacturers even advocates wearing earplugs when pedalling their wind trainer to its upper limits. I do not know if they are comedians or their legal departments are overly active, of if their warning is duly noted.

The quest for a realistic ride

Fluid trainers also excel at providing a "realistic" ride. When companies speak of realistic rides on their trainers, they refer to how closely they simulate what you would experience if you were to take your bike out onto the road.

After reviewing Kurt Kinetic Road Machine and Cycleops Fluid 2 trainers, I can confidently say that these two companies have done everything possible to ensure that the resistance levels in their trainers match outdoor conditions.

I do not know if you are up on aerodynamics enough to see that wind resistance does not increase linearly, but I am here to tell you that the faster you pedal your bike, the more complex the wind resistance situation gets.

All things being the same, riding your bike at 20mph takes more than twice the energy to ride it at 10 mph. Fluid bike trainers provide this exponential increase.

The problem of leakage

A downside to fluid trainers was their tendency to leak until recently. Kurt Kinetic revolutionized the fluid trainer world with its patented design, turning the trainer world on its head by sealing off the chamber containing the silicone fluid and the impellers. They then connected the impeller to the roller by magnetically coupling them with powerful magnets.

This is not to be confused with a magnetic trainer that uses magnets' repulsive forces. The magnets in the Kurt Kinetics are arranged to attract each other, thereby locking the two parts of the trainer together without having to be in the same chamber.

Some excellent YouTube videos demonstrate this innovative design, and if you are in the market for a bike trainer, you should check them out. If you do not want to do much sleuthing, I have embedded an excellent Kurt Kinetic video on the 'Kurt Kinetic Road Machine reviews' link above.

With no O-rings to fail under the intense heat created by the impeller going through the silicone, Kurt Kinetic trainers are about as foolproof as any out there on the market.

Fluid Trainers sit atop the bike trainer heap

Now that the problem of leakage is a thing of the past, bike trainers' relative quiet and ability to provide enough resistance to strain even the most muscular legs make them the best-selling type of trainer on the market today.

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  • FRITZKE, R. (2010) Look To A Fluid Bike Trainer For A Realistic Quiet Ride [WWW] Available from: [Accessed

About the Author

Ron Fritzke is a cycling product reviewer passionate about "all things cycling".  A former 2:17 marathoner, he now directs his competitive efforts toward racing his bike and finding good cycling products.