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Taking a peek into Super Fruits

Shannon Clark explains the benefits of including superfruits in our diet.

As you improve your nutrition and eat healthier foods every day, one category you should not overlook is superfruits. Fruits such as Acai, Goji, Maqui, and Mangosteen offer tremendous health benefits and will help you feel great.

Let us take a quick look at what each of these super fruits offers so you can get a firm idea for yourself just why they will have such a significant influence on your body function.

Acai Berry

The Acai berry is one of the hottest fruits and is often known for its essential fatty acids.

While so many other fruits are entirely fat-free, the Acai berry will provide you with healthy omega fats necessary for proper body function.

Acai Berry

This fruit is also high in fibre. It offers vitamin E, calcium, copper, potassium, magnesium, and niacin, all nutrients that work together to fight disease and improve energy levels.

Goji Berry

The next berry to consider adding to your diet is the Goji berry. This fruit is rich in protein content, so if you typically do not get enough protein throughout the day, it may be a solution to help increase your intake.

Goji berries are also suitable for vitamin C, riboflavin, potassium, iron, copper, zinc, and magnesium.

Goji Berry

Overall, this berry can help boost immune system function, improve metabolism, and help to reduce neurological disorders.

Users who consume it daily also tend to notice more stable blood sugar levels, which can help ward off hunger and allow you to stick with your diet.


Moving on with our superfruit list, Mangosteen is another super fruit not to overlook. This fruit is excellent for helping to reduce inflammation in the body and provides a rich source of antioxidants.

Regularly consuming antioxidants is essential for fighting off free radical damage you get through the environment, potentially setting you up for serious illness.


Maqui Berry

Finally, the last superfruit to consider is the Maqui berry. This fruit offers numerous health benefits as well. First, it will go a long way toward supporting a healthy immune system.

Since your immune system is challenged daily with every stress you encounter, this will support proper health and function.

Maqui Berry

Next, it will also support a healthy cardiovascular system. By eating Maqui berries regularly, you will help decrease your total cholesterol levels. In addition to this, the berry will also help boost circulation and improve the overall strength of the heart.

Finally, this berry also has anti-ageing benefits, so anyone looking to stop the hands of the clock will want to consider it. When consumed over a longer period, it will help improve the appearance of the skin and nails.


So, here are some of the top superfruits that you should include in your diet plan. Try a few and interchange them regularly, and you will notice a positive influence on your feelings.

Page Reference

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  • CLARK, S. (2010) Taking a Peek Into Super Fruits [WWW] Available from: [Accessed

About the Author

Shannon Clark is a certified personal trainer with a degree in Exercise Science. For the past nine years, she has been writing about health and fitness on numerous websites and helping others achieve their fat loss goals both online and in person.