Basic Nutritional Principles
Glenn Kearney provides some nutritional advice for developing power athletes.
Eat frequent, small to medium-sized meals
Eating in excess at one single meal, combined with infrequent meals throughout the day, can lead to poor training gains and recovery. This feeding pattern can also lead to loss of lean body mass and an increase in fat mass.
Eating frequently and choosing healthy food choices such as high-quality, low-fat protein, complex fibre-rich carbohydrates, and good fats are essential for all athletes training to gain lean body mass and maximal strength.
A small meal consisting of a complex carbohydrate, protein, and good fats should be eaten 5-6 times per day. This usually translates into a small meal every 2-3 hours throughout the day. This type of feeding pattern will help keep your energy levels high and give you the proper nutrients for recovery between hard workouts.
Eat protein with all meals
Protein is essential, especially for athletes trying to increase maximal strength and lean body mass. Strong evidence points to the importance of having a little bit of protein with each meal to increase lean body mass.
You must choose good sources of protein. Some good examples are milk protein blends and yoghurts, low-fat cottage cheese, whey protein, and casein protein. Other good protein sources are chicken, low-fat beef, canned (or fresh) tuna/salmon, prawns, turkey, egg whites, fish, lean pork cuts, and nuts and seeds.
Remember, all your meals should contain some protein. Most experts recommend approximately 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body mass for healthy adults engaging in daily rigorous physical activity. There is evidence that high-performance athletes can achieve even better results, with 2.0 to 2.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body mass. To determine the appropriate protein intake, multiply your body weight (kg) by 2.0. For example, an athlete weighing 80 kg would need:
- 80 kg x 2.0 grams = 160 grams of protein/day
It is critical to mention that you do not need to eat excessive protein to gain muscle. Small, frequent meals throughout the day and a reasonable hourly energy balance are critical for gaining muscle.
Eat more food after training
Your body's protein structures are broken down during exercise, and carbohydrate stores are depleted. Following exercise, your body is "hungry" to replace these nutrients. The most significant meals must be eaten out of your six meals in the day following your workout. Once again, choose healthy carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
Zero tolerance for sweets and fatty carbohydrates
Your body is a temple. Athletes should avoid eating sweets and fatty carbohydrates such as potato chips, high-sugar juices, fizzy drinks, chocolate bars, ice cream, chicken wings, and most pizzas.
Eating sweets and fatty carbohydrates will increase fat mass, significant blood sugar fluctuations, and weak recovery. If you are serious about your training, you will have the self-discipline to avoid these items altogether.
Drink plenty of water
You lose body water through sweat, breath, tears, and other fluids throughout the day. For athletes, this is a massive concern because even a small change in hydration levels can decrease performance.
Proper hydration is crucial for all athletes. Carry a water bottle with you throughout the day, sip the water at frequent intervals, and drink green tea as an alternative to coffee.
Pre- and Post-Workout Nutrition
Evidence strongly suggests that muscle protein acquisition results from the workout stimulus PLUS proper nutrition during the workout and, more importantly, during the 24 hours immediately after the workout.
General Recommendations
- Mix 0.8 g/kg body mass of carbohydrates with 0.4 g/kg body mass of protein in 1 L of water pre-workout. Drink this throughout your workout. Examples include sports drinks and whey protein.
- Mix 0.8 g/kg body mass of carbohydrates with 0.4 g/kg body mass of protein in 1 L of water post-workout. A good mix is Gatorade and whey protein. Drink this after your workout.
- Have 2-3 tbsp of flax oil or high-quality fish oil throughout the day. Essential fatty acids are for your health and recovery.
- MAKE SURE that you eat plenty of high-quality, nutrient-rich food in the 24 hours after your workout. Every workout contributes to an accumulation of proteins. If you eat poorly for 30% of your meals, you will miss 30% of your results! If you miss one meal, you are IMPEDING your recovery.
This evidence suggests that you must begin to improve, refine, or continue using proper nutritional recovery strategies.
Article Reference
This article contains information provided to the coaches on the British Athletics Sprints National Coach Development Program (NCDP) in May 2011. Brianmac is a member of the sprints NCDP.
Page Reference
If you quote information from this page in your work, then the reference for this page is:
- KEARNEY, G. (2012) Basic Nutritional Principles [WWW] Available from: [Accessed
About the Author
Glenn Kearney is a senior nutritionist with British Athletics. He advises many of Britain's Olympic podium athletes for British Athletics, including the sprinter Jeanette Kwakye, the 200m runner Christian Malcolm, the long jumper and 100m sprinter Greg Rutherford, and the current British indoor and outdoor long jump record holder Chris Tomlinson.