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Leap of FaithJamie French and Dr Matt Long break down the phases of the long jump into bite-size chunks. ApproachThe Long Jump is often a flat-out sprint followed by a high jump (Longden 1980)[2], though current thinking is not as straightforward. Approach too fast, and the athlete struggles to transfer forward motion into lift off the board. Therefore, the approach is a series of compromises, dictated primarily by the athlete's strength (and ability to transfer horizontal speed into vertical speed) and capacity to effect technique in shorter periods.
To assist in the development of vertical lift, some athletes lengthen the penultimate stride, sinking the hips and thus facilitating the shortening of their final stride by 25cm compared to their normal running stride. Although the hip sink should not be overemphasised in athletes, it will lead to a stretch-shorten cycle that can increase power production in the triple extension at take-off. Take-offThe take-off foot hits the board marginally ahead of the athlete's hips (the further forward, the higher the take-off angle, but the more significant the braking effect), while the last two feet make contact with flatter feet. In addition to a flat foot (to avoid braking) at take-off, the foot is 'active' and characterised by a downward and backward motion, causing ground reaction upwards and forwards. The horizontal lift is affected by the triple extension of the hip, knee, and ankle and by the upward acceleration of both the arms and free leg. According to Linthorne et al. (2005)[3], the optimum takeoff angle for an elite jumper varies depending upon the jump style and gender but is within the 18-25% range.
FlightThere are three main styles of jumping (or variations thereof), all designed to control forward rotation and positioning of the centre of gravity while in flight: Stride Jump, Hang-Style, and Hit Kick. The first two styles involve the athlete lengthening their body, increasing the body levers, and slowing down forward rotation. With the Hitch Kick, the free leg is straightened following take-off and then swung back and down with the take-off leg folding up beneath the hips and coming forward bent. It is repeated one and a half or two and a half times with the lower body momentum counteracting the forward rotation of the upper body, subsequently slowing down overall body forward rotation. At this point, nothing can be done to increase the optimum distance. Although body position will affect how the athlete lands, ultimately, the final optimum distance has already been dictated. LandingBy keeping the head up, hips high, and maintaining a tall and thin posture at both takeoff and in the air, the athlete will be able to drive upward, avoid piking at the hips, and thus affect a soft, controlled landing, collapsing either to the side or through the initial mark in the sand (see world record holder Mike Powell cited in www.trackandfield.about.com). The main points to remember in landing are to allow the horizontal and vertical momentum to dissipate safely into the sand while also remembering not to collapse backwards as the measured distance is taken from the mark made nearest the board. Article ReferenceThe information on this page is adapted from Long & French (2012)[1] with the authors permission and Athletics Weekly kind permission. References
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About the AuthorsJamie French and Dr Matt Long work for British Athletics in coach education. National coach mentor John Crotty and Selina Norris's assistance is acknowledged. |