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Six Ways of Overindulging Yourself

Clara John explains why we overeat and how to avoid it for a healthier life.

There are no two views on the point that we eat food to gain energy for our regular tasks and maintain our health and fitness throughout our lives. Our brain generates certain hormones to make us feel hungry. However, we do not wait to feel hungry and we usually consume more food than we need. Weighing more is always a result of eating more. If you tend to eat without the need, you do not have to wonder why you are gaining weight. It is fun to worry about weight gain while eating something. Though I do not want you to starve, it is vital to review your diet if you will shed extra pounds.

The volume of food leads to health hurdles even if the food is healthy because the amount of food worsens the situation. Though the body sends signals to the brain when it feels complete, the message takes time to reach the brain, and, in the meantime, we continue eating, effectively overstuffing ourselves. If you eat without hunger, this excess food intake is known as overeating. Here are some reasons we overeat and how to avoid it for a healthier life.

Eating more at a party

Eating is not bad, and we should enjoy our food, but it is vital to focus on eating right. It is common to celebrate any occasion with food. Whether it is a get-together, a wedding, a birthday, an engagement, or even a funeral, people focus on what to arrange for eating. People mostly eat at these events due to social pressure. There is no health regime in view while hanging out with friends and family (think about the last feast you had with your family). Seek healthy and low-calorie food to avoid overeating in such situations.

Eating more when we feel alone

It is scientifically proven that people eat more during mood swings. Whenever we feel sad, depressed, or alone, we start eating to improve our mood. This emotional eating is so common and can harm us a lot. We usually reason our sadness as permission to eat whatever we like. It is better to find a hobby to keep you occupied. At least try to stick with healthy food to avoid the impact of overeating.

Eating more when nothing to do

Eating should be the last option if you have nothing else to do. It is similar to feeling alone and is a solid reason to eat more. It would be best to adopt some leisure pursuits such as watching a movie, reading blogs, reading books, painting, or playing a musical instrument to shift your focus from food. Taking a nap or walking a mile would benefit both mood and health.

Eating more when not having enough time to eat

Slow eating is what makes you eat less. It makes you feel full and offers an opportunity to enjoy your food. No matter how busy you are with work, managing your time to eat well would be best. People eat quickly to speed up the work schedule, consuming more than the body needs. Also, junk food is our first choice when there is a lack of time. To avoid such situations, you should prioritise your food over your work. Eat in a peaceful environment, and if you chew it properly, it will help digestion.

Eating more to finish the plate

Traditionally, we are trained to eat everything on our plates. It seems bad manners to leave any food, and why are we supposed to finish it even if we feel full? It is imperative to take less so we can eat it all. We tend to fill our plates with food, so taking a smaller plate is a good idea to avoid the situation. Plus, never offer your services to finish a meal from another's plate. Mothers usually become victims of such cases.

Eating more due to the weather

Weather plays an integral part in making us eat more. We tend to eat or drink to keep ourselves warm or cold. If the weather is cold, soups, coffee, and nuts are a must. We eat and drink cold items such as juices, ice cream, lemonade, etc. It is advisable to stick with cold water to quench your thirst on hot days and think healthy when cold-seeking soups rather than hot chocolate drinks.

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  • JOHN, C. (2013) 6 Ways of Overindulging Yourself [WWW] Available from: [Accessed

About the Author

Clara John likes to be aware of fitness practices to live an active life. Clara has been enthusiastic about learning and sharing ways to improve fitness using specific exercise equipment to maintain optimal health.