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Elevation Training - Does it work?

Matthew Rowe looks at elevation training and how it may help improve athletic performance.

There has long been a debate in sports science about the seemingly endless stream of supreme long-distance runners that come out of Kenya. For many years, this was considered purely biological - a natural ability passed through the generations. But over the last 40 years, exercise physiologists increasingly believe that far more of this ability may be based upon their environment rather than pure genetics. The Kenyan runners train at high altitudes where the air is rarefied, meaning less natural oxygen content. It forces the body to work much harder, pushing the lungs, heart, and muscles beyond the norm and helping them develop superior fitness and endurance capabilities. When these athletes return to sea level to participate in a competition, they find they are significantly more muscular, making the race much more straightforward than most other competing athletes. The effects of altitude training are believed to only last a few weeks, at the very most, once the athlete returns to sea level, but of course, this is sufficient time to participate and perform in competition.

So, what exactly is Elevation Training?

Moving any Olympic athlete halfway up a Kenyan mountain to train for several months at a time would be impractical. But with the invention of elevation masks, any athlete, from beginners to professionals, can now simulate the training conditions of high-altitude training wherever they are in the world.

Elevation masks are explicitly used for simulated altitude training. The mask is secured around the head and covers the mouth and nose. Chances are you will look like a baddy from the Batman movie, but the mask has a serious purpose. It partially blocks airflow while you exercise, restricting the amount of oxygen available to you. You can change the mask settings to simulate oxygen-reduced air similar to those at varying altitudes. You can perform almost any exercise as you would typically, from lifting weights to cycling and running, all while wearing the mask.

Who uses Elevation Training?

In the past, the military used elevation and altitude training to help prepare their troops and improve their physical abilities. It has been reported that the Navy Seals had a unique gym with a controlled oxygen atmosphere that would recreate training conditions at over 10,000 feet. Today, the military still uses altitude and elevation masks when preparing troops for mountainous conditions, such as deploying troops to Afghanistan. However, in professional sports science, there remains some debate over this training principle, with some sports scientists playing down the effects of altitude on the athlete. However, the fact remains that there is such a large body of clinical theory supporting it that many leading professional athletes, from cyclists to runners and even record-breaking Olympians like Michael Phelps, now use altitude and elevation training as part of their race preparation.

What is the science behind Elevation Training?

Elevation training can improve athletes' endurance and recovery time by effectively forcing their bodies to adapt to high altitude conditions. In such situations, the kidneys respond by sending erythropoietin (EPO) to the bone marrow, causing the body to increase the production of red blood cells. There is also evidence it may increase one's natural HGH levels. More red blood cells result in more oxygen to supply the exercising muscles - the key to any athlete. The increased red blood cell count improves aerobic performance and delays the onset of fatigue.

How should Elevation Training be implemented?

Simulated high-altitude training is not for the uninitiated. It is very tough to train in such conditions, and it is essential to have a good base level of fitness before you begin and to build up gradually. Many athletes try to do too much too soon. They may put on the elevation mask and try to train as usual. It is highly counter-productive as it takes away the energy the body requires to create more red blood cells, negating the benefits of simulated altitude training in the first place. Instead, it is recommended that athletes do not push themselves in the first seven days of elevation training, working at a sub-maximal level, and after that, continue to build up gradually.


There is much debate on the various merits of elevation training and the extent to which it can improve athletic performance. There is also debate as to which specific altitude is the most effective, as it seems that all athletes will react differently to the simulated conditions, meaning there will be naturally mixed results.

It is essential to realise that elevation training certainly will not perform miracles. The hard work still has to occur at sea level with consistent training linked with natural ability. But when races can be won or lost over a hundredths of a second, any competitive advantage in one's training program can be indispensable, and many athletes believe in the benefits.

Whilst the jury may still be out on how effective elevation training is, it is certainly not going to harm you to try. As with any training program, the important concept for any athlete is to embrace new concepts rather than stand still. This applies equally to any recreational athlete. We need to push our workouts to different levels. It is only by introducing new dimensions and new challenges to our workouts that we ultimately progress.

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  • ROWE, M. (2013) Elevation Training - Does it work? [WWW] Available from: [Accessed

About the Author

Matthew is a senior sports scientist who lectures and trains personal trainers and sports coaches nationally. Matthew specialises in Exercise Physiology and Personal Fitness Training. His knowledge and abilities have helped him to teach some of the UK's leading sports professionals from the world of athletics, rugby, and football. For more information, visit