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Football Strength

Jonathan Walker provides some advice on the importance of strength training in football.

Footballers take a lot of stick for falling over every time they contact another player, but football is one of the most physically demanding sports you can play. Injuries are common and easily sustained, so good fitness and strength training are vital for professionals and amateurs.

Footballers need both power and speed to perfect their game, which requires a mix of strength and core training and plenty of cardio to develop speed and stamina. Football games last upwards of 90 minutes, one of the most extended match times in sports.

Good footballers pay as much attention to their strength training as they do to their cardio regime to get the ball to the other end of the pitch in one kick, if necessary. Core strength is as vital as leg strength in staying balanced while drawing back the leg and then being able to run again afterwards. Players also have to make contact with the ball while running, and it takes a lot of strength to deliver a powerful kick while travelling at speed.

The Football Association (FA) has released a six-week training program for footballers, showing how demanding football training is. With short jogs and stretches, week one seems easy enough, but don't be fooled. It is to ease the body into exercise without causing an injury (you cannot run a marathon on your first training day). Week two incorporates squats, lunges, stretching and running, pitch laps, and the ever-dreaded press-up. Week three is the natural killer, incorporating sprints to build up speed – as a footballer, you want to be the first one to the ball. Weeks five and six ease it down, working on conditioning and toning the body.

Strength training, which includes press-ups, lunges, pull-ups, and squats, can prevent injury. It has been suggested that neck strength can determine the severity of a concussion. An article explored whether neck strength could reduce the impact of concussion on female soccer players and found that those with stronger necks were less likely to sustain a brain injury in the event of a concussion.

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  • WALKER, J. (2014) Football Strength [WWW] Available from: [Accessed

About the Author

onathan Walker is studying Sport and Exercise Sciences at Leeds University. In his spare time, he enjoys playing football and rugby, as well as freelance writing. He specialises in various contact and non-contact sports and injury recovery.