Fitness Planning
Jo Williams provides some advice on the "things to do" and "things to avoid" to achieve a successful fitness plan.
We all know the importance of fitness programs. Many people have drawn up a fitness plan at one point or another in their lives. Unfortunately, only a few remain committed to their program after a few months. It happens for many reasons, but the most common cause is getting overwhelmed by the routine.
A fitness program only gets overwhelming when you do not arm yourself with the right home gym equipment and knowledge to keep things in motion. After you commit to getting into shape, there are some things you should do and others to avoid, ensuring you meet both your long-term and short-term fitness goals. What are these?
Things to do
- List what you intend to achieve with your fitness training regime. Without set goals, it becomes challenging to stick with any fitness programs you are trying to follow. You should ensure you know why you are doing anything; otherwise, hurdles and challenges will become insurmountable mountains in your journey.
- Be clear on your current fitness level before deciding on an exercise program. By so doing, you will set goals in line with your specific fitness needs. You will not mentally accept or physically achieve a program that is too steep a curve.
- If you have any health challenges, like obesity or diabetes, you need to talk to your healthcare provider before getting into a fitness program. Embarking on a fitness program while battling a condition must be well thought through.
- Before starting your workout sessions, make it a habit to warm up. It would help if you cooled down at the end of the session. Warming up and cooling down
- Before and after a session go a long way to keep you fit for the next fitness session. It becomes increasingly important as we get older. At 30, we cannot do what we did at 18; more the pity!
- Do not do anything excessively. Doing too much of anything guarantees fast burnout. It would help if you increased the intensity of your workouts slowly so that your regime is sustainable.
- It would help if you diversified your workout routine. Doing the same exercise every day guarantees quick mental fatigue. When this happens, you will get tired physically more quickly and skip workouts due to dissatisfaction with the process.
- Look for a serious work-out partner or join a club. It will ensure you are always motivated to complete your workout sessions.
- You need to take in plenty of fluids throughout your workout sessions.
- Do not go on long workout sessions when you first start. Your workout session should be 10-15 minutes at the initial stage unless you have a high starting level of fitness; be honest with yourself.
Things to avoid
- The body needs adequate time for recovery between workouts. Do not mistake overtraining; you will end up injured and doing more harm than good.
- Do not skip breakfast. Eating breakfast gives your metabolism the kick it needs while providing you with the energy to get through the rest of the day.
- Stretching is essential, so never skip it after workouts.
- Sleep provides you with the energy to focus on your exercise, so do not burn the candle at both ends.
- Avoid setting goals that are anything short of unrealistic. If you want to lose weight, 1-2 pounds lost per week is the ideal target. Expecting to shed 10 pounds every week means you are setting yourself up for a great deal of disappointment.
- Do not mistake comparing your successes or failures with your workout partner's. Everyone is unique, so what works for one individual may not work for another.
- Do not work out haphazardly. Follow your schedule to reap the benefits of the workout regime.
- Do not throw in the towel. Re-invigorate your workout; get inspiration and focus. Talk to your fitness coach or partner if you feel discouraged about your regime.
- Do not forget the importance of rewarding yourself with each goal accomplished. However, avoid making the reward unhealthy food.
These are the "things to do" and "things to avoid" you must adhere to to avoid falling by the fitness wayside where so many with previously good intentions are now lying.
When you begin your fitness workout regime, remember to keep your mind open and stay flexible. Learning new techniques and setting realistic targets will help you reach your fitness goals.
Page Reference
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- WILLIAMS, J. (2014) Fitness Planning [WWW] Available from: [Accessed
About the Author
Jo Williamson was a personal trainer and Yoga instructor for nearly a decade. Now, she is a freelance consultant who helps businesses and individuals set up health clubs and gyms.
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