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Optimum Nutrition for Bodybuilding

Paul Jenkins explains why monitoring macronutrients rather than calories is vital and why meal frequency is of the utmost importance when planning your nutritional regime.

Calories come second

The number of grams of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats is most important when calculating your diet. Dump the calories! A calorie is a measure of heat energy released when foodstuffs are burnt. This calorie-measuring process is carried out using an instrument known as a bomb calorimeter. The process is straightforward, and foodstuffs are combusted inside the bomb calorimeter. The heat energy released is then measured. Proteins and carbohydrates have four calories per gram, and fats have nine. However, a bomb calorimeter is much different from the human body.

Each time you consume foodstuff, your body can differentiate between where the calories come from. Thus, each calorie from protein, carbohydrates, and fats has a different biological effect on your body. If calories were the only thing that mattered, then, for example, you could consume all your daily calories just from fats. However, this would be very bad for your health and adversely affect your body composition. Your body would not sustain much muscle mass without any protein. While the total of your daily calorific consumption is relevant, calories alone are not necessary. It is macronutrients that count. Consuming these in the correct ratios is the key to your sporting success.

Meal frequency

Meal frequency is also another essential factor in reaching your optimum sporting potential. Meal spacing and timing are paramount when planning your nutritional regime.

Proteins are digested into smaller molecules of amino acids. These amino acids leave the gut to enter the bloodstream, where they will circulate in your body to be delivered to places of need. Proteins are ultimately needed by your entire body, forming the building blocks of all cells, not just skeletal muscle tissue. For example, your skin, nails, and hair are all made of different combinations of amino acids - all forming proteins. Blood levels of amino acids are only maintained for around 3 hours; thus, you must consume proteins approximately every 3 hours to support this anabolic environment.

Carbohydrates are the body's primary energy source, so your body continually requires a certain level of glucose in its bloodstream. If your blood glucose falls too low or grows too high, both can result in severe health problems - including death! Therefore, your body has a brilliant way of managing and maintaining blood glucose. The two critical hormones used in this process are Insulin and Glucagon. Insulin, excreted from the Pancreas, is responsible for decreasing blood glucose levels. Glucagon, Insulin's sister hormone, is an antagonist to this process. Glucagon will start breaking down liver and muscle glycogen (carbohydrates) to increase blood glucose levels if your blood glucose drops too low.

Fats are unlike proteins in carbohydrates because they are managed differently. They are not required to be eaten as often as proteins and carbohydrates to maintain bodily function.

Therefore, to maintain an anabolic (muscle-building) environment, you must consume protein at least every 3 hours. I suggest dividing your total daily protein intake equally throughout your daily meals. On the other hand, Carbohydrates can be tapered to suit your energy requirements. For example, after sleeping for 7-8 hours, your body wakes fast with low blood glucose. A more substantial carbohydrate meal at this time is beneficial. Depending on your energy requirements and activities throughout the day, you can adjust the amount of each carb meal to suit.

If you sit in an office all day, your energy requirements are minimal, and thus, only a small portion of complex carbs would be needed for each meal. However, your energy requirements are much higher before and after training; therefore, consuming more significant amounts of carbohydrates around these periods is beneficial. Structuring your carbohydrate intake around your energy requirements will ensure that blood glucose is maintained sufficiently and that carbohydrates are also used for energy rather than stored as fat.

The optimum number of meals

Simple maths can tell us that eating six meals per day spaced every 3 hours leaves only 7 hours of the day to sleep. Therefore, if you plan to eat more than six meals, you need to decrease the space between meals. The maximum, and what I believe to be the optimum number of meals for bodybuilding, would be 8 per day—eight small meals spaced every 2 hours, leaving 8 hours of the day for sleep. Try eating anymore, and you would have to set your alarm at night to wake up to eat. It is unnecessary and goes past the point of being beneficial, interfering with your Circadian rhythm. Your circadian rhythm is a 24-hour rhythmic endogenous hormonal cycle ultimately governed by the earth's rotation around the sun.

The separation of the day from the night via light from the sun regulates our hormonal system, which controls our sleep/wake cycle and other bodily functions. Interrupting your sleep pattern to try and squeeze in extra meals will not only result in not getting the rest you need to recover from your training but also interrupt your hormonal cycle, which will detriment your whole being. Therefore, I suggest eating 6 - 8 meals a day with plenty of unbroken sleep.

Consuming all the required nutrients solely from whole foods can be challenging. Therefore, along with a well-structured and balanced nutritional program, I suggest using some high-quality sports supplements to complement and further enhance your training, performance, and recovery.

Page Reference

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  • JENKINS, P. (2015) Optimum nutrition for bodybuilding [WWW] Available from: [Accessed

About the Author

Paul Jenkins is a competitive British bodybuilder, nutritional coach, and CEO of DNA® Lean sports supplements.