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College Workouts

Hannah Shepherd provides advice on the health benefits of staying active when in college.

Students already have their plates full of work to do under the limited time when in college. It is hard enough to juggle studying for their examinations, meeting strict deadlines with their term papers, and balancing their social lives, so much so that including exercise on this list may seem like another added chore to the already tough schedule. However, with proper planning and time management, staying active when in college helps students reap more health benefits that will improve their lifestyle and studies immensely.

Aside from studying for examinations and handing in murder on a Sunday morning essay, students are often faced with a lot of pressure particularly freshmen - new territory, new people, making new friends, and sometimes having to deal with leaving their loved ones behind, not to mention a more strict schedule that is different than what you were used to in high school. When all this is topped up with the need to score top grades, it can be quite hectic for a student.

For you to do your workout and still maintain optimum performance in your schoolwork, you need to plan out your training for the week like you do with your classes but let it not stress you out like writing a paper on murder on a Sunday morning. Designate time for all you have to do such that you do not exercise when you need to be working on your murder on a Sunday paper.

Benefits of working out in college

Most people identify exercise with losing weight and body toning, but it goes beyond that. Aside from the physical attributes of training, it also improves vital mental health, especially for students who are always under immense pressure. Here are reasons why you should include workouts in your college schedule.

  1. Stress relief. Research reveals that an alarming number of students fall into depression each year due to stress. Working out releases serotonin and endorphins, which help in minimizing tension and enhancing the mood, making life easier for students even when examinations are around the corner.
  2. Enhances brain cell growth. Every student's ultimate goal is to score high grades that will enable them to secure a well-paying job in the future. Super-charging your brain only gets you a step closer to achieving those goals.
  3. Boosts memory. Scientific research has proven that working out enhances human memory, which comes in handy when trying to recall murder on a Sunday morning synopsis for an examination.
  4. Enhances focus and concentration. It can be hard for students to stay upbeat at all times with all their college workload. Regular workouts help improve focus and concentration, actively taking part and maintaining what they learn in class.

Types of exercises

Various exercises are designed to meet different results depending on what you hope to achieve, for instance, weight lifting is good for bone health, high-intensity workouts help build speed and strength, and aerobics are mostly linked to mental health. Before you ask how to start working out in college, you first need to come up with healthy fitness goals that are practical.

Exercise is not only hitting the gym; As long as you are physically active, it counts as exercise. It could be walking around the school compound for 30 minutes, or walking up the stairs from one class to another instead of using the lift. As a student, you can make your workouts fun by taking part in dance classes or sports games such as swimming or running the tracks. The more fun you make it, the more likely you are to maintain it. Also, patience is crucial. Some exercises may take a few days to yield results, while others take months or years, but the one vital thing is consistency.

If you are embarking on an exercise regime for the first time, it is important to start small and build up gradually over time as your body adjusts as well. Experts recommend at least 15 to 30 minutes of workout a day, three days a week. Some people exercise 1 hour a day for five days a week but remember this is school and your time is already stretched out.

How many minutes in a day you get to exercise will depend on your schedule, just let it not interfere with your classes.

In college, students are more aware of their physique and are prone to specific body images they feel they need to have. It is important to remember that different exercises achieve different results over time; therefore, what may work for you may not work for your other peers and vice-versa.  Find out what works for you even if you have to consult a specialist and plan how you can fit it into your school schedule to have a healthier, happier college life.

Page Reference

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  • SHEPHERD, H. (2019) College Workouts [WWW] Available from: [Accessed

About the Author

Hannah Shepherd is a business analyst, who likes to play football, watch tv, and enjoys science fiction.