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What Does A Certified Nutrition Coach Do?

Tyler Read explains the role of the nutrition coach.

When one falls sick and suffers an ailment or disease, it is a common practice for such a person to go to a healthcare centre and see a doctor. A doctor has to provide adequate healthcare for the patient.

The next level is for people who are conversant with fitness and proper nutrition. Their objective is to achieve better performance and maintain a good appearance. These goals are usually short-term.

The last level is for athletes who want to improve their performance and appearance. The main difference is the level of intensity and activities involved. Most athletes will benefit from the support of a nutrition coach

Nutrition just for you

Most of the foods you consume do not consider your health, and diet plans are no better. These plans only encourage people to stop eating some foods to achieve fewer calories. As much as this might work, it does not explain how to eat right.

A nutrition coach designs a nutrition program according to a client’s needs. It means that there is a personalized plan for each person as opposed to a general outline for everyone.

Program tweaking

There are instances when nutrition plans do not work for people. Apart from that, people’s bodies and goals change.

A nutrition coach will regularly collect data and make informed decisions based on the data they have gathered, and the client's needs, to adjust the program.

Gaining knowledge

The best way of being conversant with a subject is to gain adequate knowledge of it. A certified nutrition coach can offer quality coaching services as well as teach good nutrition habits. Imparting quality knowledge to a client is one of the main objectives of a nutrition coach.

There will come a time when you will not need the services of a nutrition coach anymore. The knowledge you will acquire would be enough to keep you going. It is the best way to empower yourself.

Being accountable

The best way to be successful and disciplined is to be held accountable. Without someone looking out for you, monitoring your progress, and evaluating your performance, you are at the risk of not achieving your goals.

A nutrition coach acts as your accountability partner. They ensure you follow your nutrition plan to the letter. Your coach knows what to expect, and sees to it that you achieve your desired outcome.

Meal recommendations for you

We have established that nutrition coaching is not solely about dieting. They can help clients make healthy food choices that will facilitate better workouts for them.

Similarly, a nutrition coach teaches a client that meals that encourage starvation are not healthy in the long run. If you are an athlete, they can provide you with adequate information on what to eat before a competition.

Enough nutritional information for you

Today’s society is full of falsehoods. It is quite easy to put up any information on the internet. There is a shared culture of people coming across different dos and do nots of nutrition. More often, many people take this information without verifying its authenticity.

With a certified nutritional coach, you can dispel those rumors and arm yourself with authentic information. Your nutrition coach offers you credible advice that is backed by scientific research. He/she has a full understanding of how the body breaks down foods consumed and converts them into energy.

Therefore, you adopt better food choices by doing away with nutritional falsehoods and adopting a balanced dietary lifestyle. Here is a comprehensive healthy eating guide for you.

Performance evaluation

The best way to know how much you have achieved is by monitoring your progress. A nutrition coach is the best person to help you evaluate your performance. They will periodically record information about your progress, and any changes made to the program.

From the onset, your nutrition coach sets targets that make tracking easier to do and using various tools to monitor the client’s progress.

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  • READ, T. (2020) What Does A Certified Nutrition Coach Really Do? [WWW] Available from: [Accessed

About the Author

Tyler Read is the owner of which is a website dedicated to helping people get started in the personal training industry. He helps people discover, study, and pass their fitness exams. Check out his free videos for the latest trends.