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Your Best Exercise Buddy

Sally Perkins explains that if you need to stay fit then consider working out with your best exercise buddy, your dog.

Exercising with a partner has several benefits including increased motivation, enhanced workout intensity and time, and better success at weight loss goals. Ideally, a buddy who is in better shape than you is the perfect partner because their fitness habits can rub off on others and inspire them to attain higher fitness levels. If you are planning to lose weight or simply keep yourself in great physical condition, why not exercise together with your pooch? Having your best friend beside you when you work out offers advantages making you both fit and in good health.

A Faithful and Enthusiastic Partner

As a dog parent, you might notice that your four-legged companion is, like you, putting on weight. Whether it is old age, poor diet, or lack of movement, the extra pounds on your mutt are not healthy and can affect your quality of life. They can result in diseases and undesirable side effects such as arthritis, diabetes, cancer, and hypertension, to name some, affecting their mobility and longevity.  Hence, it is best to determine if your dog is overweight or obese so that you can take corrective action. Being overweight or obese is a preventable and treatable condition, you can even benefit when you make your dog your workout buddy.

Do not worry about having a no-show partner, for your pooch will always be there to do things with you. Even if they are carrying extra weight, they will be happy to move helping you both get fit. In addition, exercise is good for both your emotional and mental well-being. Plus, your pet will be less likely to get into mischief if they are moving or doing something.

Exercises That You Can Do Together

Long walks are good for you and your pooch because they help burn calories. Change your routines every so often so that both of you are not bored with the scenery. For your pets, new scents, people, and areas are mentally stimulating. They can explore, alleviate their boredom, and exercise with their pet parents.

Another activity that will never get old is to play ball or catch with your pet. They are enthusiastic and will go for the ball, Frisbee, or stick as fast as they can. Now, that is good arm exercise for you while Fido gets to expend all that pent-up energy. If you are both up for the challenge, go on a cardio circuit alternating between running and squatting. At home, there are also several exercises that you can do together. Do yoga stretches, shake and lunges, or do push-ups.

Whether you are taking long walks, running, or just playing fetch, working out with your dog is a win-win situation. You both get to burn calories, get fresh air, stay fit, and even socialize with other people. 

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  • PERKINS, S. (2021) Your Best Exercise Buddy [WWW] Available from: [Accessed

About the Author

Sally Perkins is a professional freelance writer with many years of experience across many different areas. She made the move to freelancing from a stressful corporate job and loves the work-life balance it offers her. When not at work, Sally enjoys reading, hiking, spending time with her family, and travelling as much as possible.