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Education and Sports

Christian Duke provides an overview of why education and sports should be combined.

Whether in high school, college or graduated years ago, it is never too late to pick up a sport and have a good time with it. According to Education Week, more than 50% of surveyed high school students played at least one sport, with 43% of high school athletes now being girls. Sports have become even more popular nowadays, given that the global pandemic has subsided and made team sports a viable option.

Here are some of the most accessible and fun sports you can check out as a student

  • Soccer
  • Basketball
  • Volleyball
  • Rugby
  • Tennis

Depending on where you are studying, there are dozens of great sports featured in high schools and universities across the US and abroad. You are also more than likely to earn extra credits, which will go to your overall grade, further encouraging you to pick up a sport that vibes with you.

In high school, you can also look for stipends and tuition for sports players, which will help cover many of your college expenses upfront. So, let us look at why you should care about sports with all the assignments and papers you may have on your busy schedule.

Become More Sociable

One of the best things about combining education and sports is that you will inherently become more sociable. Going to sports practice between lessons and difficult study periods will provide you with plenty of socialization opportunities. When it seems that you do not have much time for your personal life or sports, you can use online essay writing services to get some of your academic assignments done. Get yourself a few spare hours for more important things.

If you are looking for an easy way to make friends in school, sports are a fantastic way to do just that. It is especially true for team sports like volleyball or rugby, where you will constantly coordinate with your team to ensure that you come out on top. These skills can then seep over to your academic tasks, as you can start studying together, sharing notes, and helping each other pass exams more easily. If you are lucky enough, you may make friends for life just by playing a sport.

Enrich your Resume

While it may not seem like you will not be in school forever, once you have graduated, you will have several options. You will either apply for Master’s courses, look for jobs, or apply for internships, to name a few options. You might even move abroad once you graduate and start a new life. It means you can use your time in school to enrich your future resume with sports references.

Many employers are looking for team players to fill their companies’ ranks. As someone who has graduated from college and done so while doing sports, you will stand out as a job candidate. You might even get job opportunities based on the acquaintances you have made while doing sports in school, so start networking today to improve your professional odds tomorrow.

Cope with Academic Stress

A lot of high-schoolers and college students choose to do sports as a means to deal with academic stress and anxiety. It is especially true for college sports, as university curriculums can be very stress-inducing, no matter how successfully you navigate the semester. By picking up a physically-intense activity such as playing basketball or soccer in your free time, you will manage to clear your head for a few hours at a time.

Healthily coping with academic stress is extremely important for your long-term mental well-being – sports can be just the solution you want. You will focus on working with your team, chatting with other students, and otherwise spending time away from books and essays.

Learn Leadership Skills

Leadership skills can benefit you not only while you are in college but also once you graduate. Every team needs a guiding hand, which is the team captain’s job. While becoming eligible for a team captain’s position may take a while, you will still actively cooperate with your team.

Leadership skills are soft skill that is very difficult to learn in a controlled environment, such as a seminar. That is why doing sports while in school can benefit your extroverted nature and make it easier for you to guide or manage others. It can manifest later on and expand your career opportunities, opening the door for applying for project management and other leadership positions, thanks to your sports experiences.

Manage your Fitness

For good reasons, students often struggle with maintaining their physical wellness while at college. No matter your studies, you will always be swamped with work, studying, writing essays, or working on complete projects. However, sports can be an excellent way to regain control of your physical wellness and feel good about it. You will easily manage your weight and blood pressure by engaging in sports several times per week.

Overall, the best upside of combining education and sports is that you will have a much clearer head once you start studying again. It might encourage you to pick up other athletic activities, such as jogging or fitness, outside your sports activities. By tiring your body and feeling good about doing so, you will be motivated to spend a few hours a day working on your academic projects without feeling guilty about sitting in one place for so long.

Combining Education and Sports

You can find enough time to do sports in school because otherwise, school faculties would not be inclined to make sports available to students in the first place. Finding time for soccer practice or a school basketball match is a personal compromise. Using online tools and working with friends can benefit your academic performance and free up precious time for your sports practice and eventual games or tournaments. You and your team can organize your study/practice schedule so that no one suffers academically and everyone can have a great time playing sports. Whether you are keen on ball sports or prefer athletics, go for it – your future self will thank you.

Page Reference

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  • DUKE, C. (2022) Education and Sports [WWW] Available from: [Accessed

About the Author

Christian Duke is a professional writer, content editor, and social media marketer. Christian is very passionate about the topics relating to personal and academic development, a passion which he pursues through his essays, articles, and papers. He spends his free time cycling, hiking, and spending time with his family.