Simplifying the Triangle Offensive
The following article was provided by Steve Mergelsberg, Assistant
Basketball Coach, Rutgers University - Newark, Newark, N.J., U.S.A.
The simplified high school Triangle retains the same basic
concepts as the Tex Winter original. Spacing is the first concern - the players
have to set up 15 to 18 feet apart to prohibit the defence from crowding an
area and harrying the passing.
Basic Triangle
We set up our Triangle (3-4-5) on one side of the floor and
set up the two remaining players in tandem fashion on the other side.
Coaching point: The numbers in the diagram do not represent
positions. They are merely the players who happen to be in those positions
In short, we do not play with guards, forwards, and centres.
We do not refer to the players as 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, or 5s. They are 15s! (Add up
all the numbers and you get 15) Your players have to learn all the positions. |
Tandem Entry
#1 has the ball and #2 moves up the side to the free-throw
line extended. Several things can happen at this point: #1 can pass to #2 and
cut off him for a hand-off. #1 can pass to #2, cut over him, and then pick and
roll with him.
On the Triangle side, meanwhile, #3 and #4 move into the
block (low post) area to set a double screen for #5. The latter will take his
player behind the screen, then pop out toward the tandem side (just above the
free-throw line) for the pass from #2 (providing #2 did not hand off to #1). |
Switch Shoes
If #5 does not get the ball (in Diagram 2), he continues his
route to the other side to form the Triangle with #1 and #2.
#1 has continued his cut (shown in Diagram 2) and now looks
for a pass from #2 and a jump shot; or #2 can pass to #1 and slide the lane to
play a two-man game with #1, as that side of the floor will usually be open.
#2 can also turn and face up with his defender for a
one-on-one situation. #4 will glide up to the tandem post, while 3 pops to the
top (as shown in Diagram 3). If #1 has the ball in the corner, #5 can duck into
the lane and get a pass from #1 for an easy lay-up or dish-off.
As you can see, the Triangle and tandem are now on opposite
sides of the floor. As we proceed, we are going to start every entry with the
Triangle and tandem in these positions. |
Triangle Entry from Corner
#5, with the ball, passes to #4 in the corner to start the
series, while #3 steps up to pick for #5, who cuts off #3 to the hoop, looking
for a pass from #4. If #5 fails to get this pass, he runs a route across the
lane and curls around #2 - looking for the pass from #4.
If he still does not get the pass, he will drift to form the
Triangle on the left side with #2 and #1. As #5 is running through the lane, #3
sets a pick for #4 and looks to play a little pick and roll with him. |
If nothing materializes from the Corner Entry, #4 will
dribble to the top and #3 will go to the low block to form the other half of
the tandem.
Players #5, #2 and #1 will make up the Triangle on the left
side. |
Triangle Entry from Post
#5 passes to #3 in the post, while #4 runs baseline, looking
for a backdoor pass from #3. Meanwhile, #1 joins #2 in a double-screen and #4
curls around it, looking for the pass from #3.
If #4 does not get the pass, he proceeds to the top to form
the Triangle with #2 and #1.
# 2 then flares to the corner. #5 can cut off #3 for a
hand-off or play a two-man game with #3 as soon as #4 clears out. If nothing
happens, #3 will dribble out and #5 will go to the post to form the tandem
side. #3 can also face go one-on-one with his defender. |
Triangle Options
Triangle Post Option
#5 (with ball) passes to #1 moving toward them, as #3 locks
out his defender, and then steps into the lane for the quick pass from #1 and
makes a lay-up. |
Tandem Backdoor Option.
#2 steps toward the baseline, then jab-steps and comes up
the court for a pass from #5 at the Triangle elbow.
#1 takes two or three steps to the left and cuts toward the
basket for the pass from #2. |
Tandem Screen-And-Shoot Option.
The players proceed as in Diagram 5 until #4, instead of
curling around the double-team (2-1), swerves into the corner, looking for the
skip pass from #3 and a jump shot. |
Triangle Pop-And- Shoot Option.
Play proceeds as shown in Diagram 2 with #1 passing to #2
and then cutting over him while #5 fakes a cut around the 3-4 double screen and
moves into the near corner for the long skip pass from #2.
If #5 fails to receive the pass, he can cut over the screen
and look for a pass from #2 and a shot from the free-throw line area, or he may
cut under the double-screen and look for a pass under the basket for an easy
lay-up. |
The Triangle Offense gives the players a lot of freedom with which
to use their talents to the maximum. As the players become familiar with the
offence, they will find a lot of opportunities for dish-offs as the defence
tries to adjust. You can also have your tandem players exchange positions. Above all, you must strive for top-flight execution.
You will need the proper spacing, passing, changing speeds, and good changes of
direction, to keep the defence working hard.
Page Reference
If you quote information from this page in your work, then the reference for this page is:
- MERGELSBERG, S. (2005) Simplifying the Triangle Offensive [WWW] Available from: https://www.brianmac.co.uk/basketball/hstrioffen.htm [Accessed