Back Squat
The objective of this page is to guide the execution of the Back Squat. It forms a checklist of points for the coach to monitor.

Start Position |

Mid Position |

End Position |
The checklist is adapted from Pauletto (1991)[1].
- Bar loaded evenly, collars in place and secure
- Bar on a rack at approximately chest height
- Two spotters in position and ready
- Hands spaced evenly and slightly wider than shoulder-width apart
- The bar rests across the back of shoulders
- Head up, chest up and out
- Shoulder blades pushed together
- Elbows pointing down and a firm grip
- Torso straight and abdominals braced
- The athlete takes one step back
- Feet shoulder-width apart
- Feet flat on the floor and toes pointing slightly outwards
- The athlete inhales and holds their breath while lowering the bar
- Knees bend and stay over the toes
- The athlete sits back over heels
- Athlete squats until the required level is reached
- The downward movement is controlled with a momentary stop at the bottom
- Athlete drives the bar up to the starting position by pushing through the heels
- Athlete exhales while pushing the bar up
- PAULETTO, B. (1991) Strength Training for Coaches. USA; Human Kinetics.
Page Reference
If you quote information from this page in your work, then the reference for this page is:
- MACKENZIE, B. (1997) Back Squat [WWW] Available from: [Accessed