Core Stability Exercises
Static Floor Exercises
Hold a straight body position, supported on elbows and
Brace the abdominals and maintain a straight body line through the feet, hips and head. |
Side Plank
Lie on one side, ensuring the top hip is above the bottom hip.
Push up until there is a straight body line through the feet, hips and head.
the elbow under the shoulder. Lower under control and repeat on the opposite side. |
Lie on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
Squeeze your gluteals and then push your hips up until a straight line through your knee and hip to your upper body and shoulders remains on the floor. |
Kneel on the floor and place your hands below your shoulders and knees below your hips.
Extend the right leg
back and the left arm forward.
Maintain a straight body line through extended leg, body and extended arm. Repeat with opposite limbs |
Dynamic Floor Exercises
Side-lying hip abduction
Lie on your side with your top hip above
the lower hip.
Brace the abdominals and lift the top leg slowly up and down. |
Oblique crunch
Lie on your back with your right ankle resting on your left knee.
The right arm is
placed on the floor out to the side.
Keeping the right shoulder down, curl the
left shoulder up to the right knee. Repeat with opposite limbs. |
Straight leg raise
Lie on your back with your knees bent. Brace your abdominals and lift your legs straight in the air to an angle of 45 degrees, keeping you back on the ground.
Keeping one leg in the air, slowly lower the other down to the floor.
Only go as far as you can until you feel the lumbar spine start to move.
Keep bracing the abdominals, and then lift the leg slowly back up. Repeat with
the other leg. |
Lying windscreen wipers
Lie on your back with arms out to the sides. Lift your legs straight up
in the air until the hips are at 90 degrees. Keeping your legs straight and maintaining the hip angle,
rotate the legs to one side. Go as far as
you can, keeping your upper back and shoulders on the floor. Bring
the legs to a halt, pull them back up to the start position and then over to
the other side.
Medicine Ball Exercises
Sit-up and throw
You either need a partner to receive and pass the ball
or perform the exercise in front of a wall and use a medicine ball that
will bounce back. Start in the sit-up position (knees bent) with hands up, ready to
receive the ball. Catch the ball and begin to lower back down. Control the movement with the abdominals, and keep your hands above your head as you
lower down. Once the shoulders are touching the floor, sit back up and throw the ball forward simultaneously.
Sit and twist pass
Start in the sit-up position, knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Your feet, knees and
hips should remain reasonably still throughout this exercise, the rotation
coming from your waist and not your hips. Hold your hands to one side, ready to receive the ball. Catch the ball
to that side and absorb the catch by turning your shoulders further to that
side. Reverse the rotation, turn back to the middle and release the ball. Continue rotating to the other side; receive the ball on the other side and continue.
45-degree sit, catch and pass
Start in the sit-up position with your knees bent and lean back at 45 degrees. Raise your hands in front of your face and receive a pass from a partner around face height. As you catch the ball, you must maintain your body position and gently throw the ball back.
One leg catch and pass
Stand on one leg with your hips square to the front. Hold your hands up, ready to catch the ball, which should be varied in their placement. Aim to move your arms and turn your shoulders only. Catch the ball and throw it back.
One leg twist pass
Stand on one leg with hips facing square to the front. Hold
the medicine ball slightly in front and slowly twist from side to side.
The rotation comes from the
waist only (not the hips), head-turning with the shoulders. |
Side touchdowns
Start by sitting on the ground with knees bent, feet flat on the floor and holding the ball in both hands. Raise your feet off the ground and balance on your bottom. Rotate at the waist to your right and touch the ground by your right hip with the ball, lift the ball, rotate to the left side and touch the ground by your left hip with the ball, lift the ball and continue keeping your feet up off the ground.
Kneeling twist pass
Kneel upright with a good posture. Twist the shoulders, arms and head around as far as possible to the right (start position). Twist round to the left side as far as possible and hand the ball to a partner. Partner passes you the ball. Turn back to the start position, receive the ball and continue.
Core Stability Workouts
The following are additional examples of core stability workouts:
Page Reference
If you quote information from this page in your work, then the reference for this page is:
- MACKENZIE, B. (2006) Core Stability Exercises [WWW] Available from: [Accessed