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Cycling - Importance of bike set-upFor any competitive cyclist, training on the road accepts the risk of serious injury from vehicle traffic and speed. Many orthopaedic injuries occur with high-speed accidents, but of most concern are head injuries. Because of fatal injuries during competitive cycling, the compulsory use of helmets has been in place for many years at the Tour de France, except for the finishing climb in the mountain stages. In Australia, all cyclists (from everyday users to pro competitors) must wear helmets or face hefty fines. Throughout Europe, by contrast, there is no such compulsion.
Chronic injurySeveral studies highlight the neck and back as the main sources of overuse injuries. After a six to eight-day cycling tour for recreational cyclists, Wilber et al. reported that 54.9% of females and 44.2% of males presented with neck pain for medical treatment, and 30% of both males and females with back pain. Patterson et al. (2003)[1] analysed ulnar and median nerve palsy - often referred to as 'cyclist's palsy' - after a 600 km bicycle ride. Of the 25 riders given physical and questionnaire assessments, 23 had either motor or sensory symptoms. Most symptoms were reported in the hands in the ulnar nerve distribution. Wilber et al. (1995)[2] found that 85% of cyclists suffering from one or more overuse injuries: 48.8% had neck problems, 41.7% had knee trouble, and 36.1% had groin and buttocks, 31.1% had hands and 30.3% backs. Although neck symptoms are the most common, knee injuries are of more concern, as they pose a higher long-term risk. The study also found that female cyclists are approximately 1.5 times more likely than males to develop neck symptoms. BiomechanicsA single pedal cycle involves a power phase from 12 o'clock to 6 o'clock and a recovery phase from 6 o'clock to 12 o'clock. The power phase delivers most of the force that generates forward momentum. This force is produced via the extensors of the lower limb chain: quadriceps, glut max, hamstrings (working at the hip) and calves (working at the ankle). The recovery phase also contributes to the overall power delivered in one cycle by the upward pull of the attached shoes via the flexors: hip flexors, hamstrings (working at the knee) and calves (working at the knee). At 12 o'clock, the knee is flexed to no degrees and then extends 75 degrees through the power phase to 35 degrees flexion at the beginning of the recovery phase. It is important to note that during the power phase the knee will drift medially because of the normal valgus orientation of the femoral condyles (more pronounced in females). The foot pronates during the power phase, imparting an internally rotating force to the knee, much the same as during the stance phase of running, thereby increasing the stress on the inner side of the knee. The opposite happens during the recovery phase in preparation for another power phase. At the bottom of the power phase, the foot should be parallel to the ground. The lumbar and thoracic spine has to tolerate prolonged flexion and the cervical spine prolonged extension. Assessment of chronic injuryWhen a cyclist presents with an overuse injury, the clinician needs to gain an understanding of the following areas to determine the underlying cause:
The athlete's bike must be correctly adjusted to suit their specific anatomical alignment to achieve bike-body harmony. Static measurements are helpful:
For each injury, the therapist should know the relevant flexibility and muscle balances to establish technique faults contributing to injury. For instance, the cyclist may medially deviate with the left knee, or the pelvis may drop to the right when the right foot reaches 6 o'clock. Bike Set-upCorrect bike set-up is crucial to maximise performance and avoid injuries. But very few recreational cyclists are aware of this. If you venture onto the roads on a Sunday morning, you will see droves of cyclists with their seats set too high or their knees grossly deviating left and right. Two small pieces of equipment can significantly assist bike set-up. The whole shoe-length leg raises to compensate for leg-length discrepancies, and forefoot varus wedges placed between the cleat and shoe correct knee alignment by allowing the foot to operate in its normal position. Specific cycling orthotics are commonly used. The following table sets out the key positions that the clinician should ensure their client is achieving in their bike's set-up.
* The cleat is a plastic piece screwed into the bottom of the shoe to enable the rider to clip into the pedal. The cyclist also needs to be made aware that they should adjust their bike setup to suit variables such as the length of the race or competitive goal to achieve the best balance of efficiency and comfort. In endurance races, the rider usually opts for a less aerodynamic position to improve comfort, whereas, for a short trial, the tightest possible aerodynamic position and lowest trunk position will deliver maximum speed advantage. Chronic injury risksKneeWhen pedalling, the most significant force produced acts through the knee up to 5,000 times an hour, so it is no wonder that the slightest incorrect distribution in load can result in a severe knee injury. The following table summarises the main injury risks.
Ongoing soft tissue massage, trigger point work and stretching for iliopsoas, TFL, vastus lateralis, ITB and gluteus muscles are all very important, as is maintaining patellofemoral joint mobility. Activation and strengthening of VMO and glut max should be included where necessary.
Neck and backNeck pain usually relates to the prolonged time cyclists spend in an extended position. Constant compression of any joint over a long period can lead to the transmission of noxious stimuli; muscle fatigue and trigger points will lead to further joint compression and chronic muscle pain. Any prolonged position will also result in cumulative tensile stress on joint capsules and ligaments, bringing both pain and long-term structural changes to joint arthrokinematics. Cervical extension with shoulders in a depressed position increases neural tension, which can be exacerbated by handlebars set too low or the cyclist failing to keep their elbows slightly bent. Excessive or prolonged nerve traction can result in ulnar or median neuropathy. This will present as pain, numbness or tingling in the nerve distribution. To prevent the build-up of tension, the cyclist must learn to do regular cervical flexion movements, lateral flexion and shoulder shrugs on the bike and sit upright occasionally. Treatment should ensure adequate thoracic spine mobility, first rib mobility and flexibility in scalene, levator scapulae, rhomboids and upper trapezius muscles. In stubborn cases, surgery may be needed to widen the nerve space. Lower back injuries are similar to neck pain in cycling, except that the aggravating position is prolonged flexion. Muscle fatigue, chronic tension to posterior vertebral ligaments and prolonged compression to intervertebral discs can all be responsible for an ongoing backache. Clinicians must evaluate gluts, psoas and lumbar extensors for tone and flexibility. Cyclists must have an adequate range of lumbar spine and hip flexion. The cyclist's pelvic position during riding is also significant. Sitting in a posteriorly tilted position increases lumbar flexion, so many clinicians look to achieve a more anterior position through the pelvis. This should be addressed when assessing the bike set-up and cycling technique. Training should be gradual and structured for any cyclists intending to build up to high weekly mileage. As cyclists build up their training volume, they often suffer aches in the cervical, thoracic or lumbar spine because of the lengthy periods for which they maintain their flexed trunk position. It usually builds up their tolerance, during which time the therapist should ensure that any joint stiffness or muscle tightness is attended to. As with all postural problems, whether on a bike or not, core stability function is crucial. Regular exercises focusing on muscle endurance should be an integral part of treatment and prevention. Postural exercises for scapular retractors and especially lower trapezius activation are essential to minimise neck problems. The lumbopelvic stability muscles must tolerate prolonged flexion and continually stabilise the lumbar spine and pelvis to provide a stable platform for the major force-producing muscles. Core stability exercises for the lumbopelvic area are crucial in treating and preventing lumbar spine pain, especially for any cyclist increasing training volume. Good hip flexibility also greatly relieves pressure on the knee and lumbar spine. During cycling, the hip always remains relatively flexed, so chronic tightness through TFL/ITB, iliopsoas and adductors are very common. It can also lead to hip and groin problems such as greater trochanter bursitis or hip tendinopathies. Although a relatively high incidence of hip and groin pain is recorded, my own experience is that, as with many sports, much of this is related to the lumbar spine and pelvis. All cyclists should perform regular stretches and do trigger point work on these areas. Gluteal and hamstring range also needs to be maintained to be able to sit comfortably in lumbar flexion and to avoid falling too far into posterior tilt. Cyclists are also at risk of urogenital problems, such as erectile dysfunction and infertility, mainly affecting those who put in large training volumes. Pudendal neuropathy is the most common presentation caused by compression of the pudendal nerve against the pubic bone. Statistics range from 50% to 91% of cyclists reporting symptoms (Leibovitch and Mor 2005)[3]. A change of saddle to one with an increased width or padding, altering the tilt of the saddle and using increased padding in the rider's cycling shorts may help relieve the pressure. Article ReferenceThe information on this page is adapted from Fyfe (2006)[4] with the kind permission of Electric Word plc. References
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