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How to Get the Most Out of Cycling

Sam Walker provides some advice on how to get the most enjoyment out of your cycling experience.

The bicycle is one of the best inventions in the world that has stood the test of time. It is a fun and speedy source of transportation. It provides valuable exercise and fresh air for your body. The ride's physical activity and speed help relax our often-agitated minds.

In many countries, the use of the bicycle was traditionally the primary source of transportation. As a country develops economic wealth, the ordinary bicycle tends to be replaced by the car. Today we are seeing an increase in the return of the bike by more and more people in developed countries as environmental, health and traffic issues become prominent. There are even studies to show that out of the 20 most desirable cities to live in in the world, a vast majority of them have well-developed bicycle routes and communities.

Whether cycling for health, racing, enjoyment, or just as a way to get around, there are a few ways to get the most out of your cycling experience for both your body and mind.

Ensure Your Heart Gets a Good Workout

Cycling is excellent for the heart. Regular biking each day for half an hour will reduce your risk of heart disease by as much as 50% and significantly reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and other heart problems. However, it would help if you pushed yourself a little to get these results. Start slow and build up your endurance. As you get stronger, build up your cardio with a few light hills, longer distances and regular peddling for longer periods. You don't need to go crazy, but regularly breaking into a good sweat while cycling will do wonders for your heart and lungs.

Another benefit of pushing yourself past your normal comfort level is that it clears your head. A clear head means clear thoughts, a sort of meditation in motion. Your energy becomes less focused on the day's problems and more on where it is needed in your body. The long-term benefit is that your stress level is significantly reduced.

With that said, use common sense. If you have any health concerns, seek professional advice for any workout routine before you begin.

Have Your Seat and Handlebars Professionally Adjusted

Biking is an all-around good sport for your body with minimal negative impact. However, like all sports or activities that put our body in a regular position daily, some caution must be taken to avoid any long-term difficulties. You may want to take your bike to a bike shop and have your seat and handlebars professionally adjusted for height and body. This can give extra support to your back, neck, shoulders and hands, which is helpful for the long term.

Your seat should ideally be level to support the weight of your body and allow you to move around on the seat when necessary. The handlebars should also not be too low, too high, too far away, or too close.

Stretching before and after riding also goes a long way to helping your body stay comfortable. If you ride for long periods, take breaks and walk around a little to allow your body to stretch and experience different positions.

Ride With a Friend

Like any sport, doing it regularly can be difficult, especially in the beginning. If you ride to work, it can also be tough to turn that into a routine and avoid the temptation to take a car if you have that option. So how do you keep the momentum going until the habit is formed? Once the pattern is created, it becomes a regular part of your daily life that you will likely love.

Riding with a friend is one of the best ways to enjoy biking and to do it regularly. You want good company and a like-minded companion, and you both depend on each other to fulfil your goals. In the lack of a riding buddy, you may consider joining a riding group, which can always be very encouraging and rewarding.

Take Care of Your Bike

Learning to clean, maintain and even fix your bike when it breaks down is a great way to invest in your sport. It gives you a greater understanding of how your bike works, and you ultimately feel more ownership of your two-wheeled vehicle. It is not hard to do home bike mechanics if you are interested. I recommend starting with a good bicycle repair book or looking online to learn some bicycle repair tips. Learning to clean your bike correctly is the foundation for all bike maintenance. You can begin with little repair tricks like changing a tire and work up from there.

Proper tools to start with are a hand pump, tire levers, a set of Allen keys, your necessary screwdrivers and pliers, and if you know what you are doing, you can look at chain tools. Investing in a quality bike repair stand will also go a long way to make your cleaning and repairs more manageable and can be used to store your bike when it is not in use.

Cycling is a very positive sport for both you and the environment. Adding a few of these above tips to your riding lifestyle can significantly enrich the experience for your body and mind.

Page Reference

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  • WALKER, S. (2011) How to Get the Most Out of Cycling [WWW] Available from: [Accessed

About the Author

Sam Walker has written numerous articles on the health benefits of biking and home bike repairs.