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Lateral Change of Direction Test

Testing and measurement are the means of collecting information upon which subsequent performance evaluations and decisions are made. In the analysis, we need to consider the factors influencing the results.


To monitor the development of the athlete's speed with directional change.

Required Resources

To conduct this test, you will require

  • Flat non-slip surface
  • Three cones
  • Stopwatch
  • Assistant

How to conduct the test

This test requires the athlete to run and touch a series of cones as fast as possible.

  • The athlete warms up for 10 minutes
  • The assistant places three cones 5 metres apart on a straight line
  • The athlete stands by the middle cone (B), facing the assistant
  • The assistant gives the command “GO” and points in a starting direction, right or left, and starts the stopwatch
  • The athlete moves to and touches the first cone, returns past the middle cone to the far cone and touches it and then returns to and touches the middle cone
  • The assistant stops the stopwatch when the athlete touches the middle cone and records the time
  • The test is conducted four times - two in each starting direction (left & right)
  • The fastest time in each direction is used for accessing the athlete‘s performance

Lateral Change of Direction Test


For evaluating the athlete's performance, select the gender, enter the total time and then select the 'Calculate' button.

Gender Time seconds Assessment

Calculations are based on the normative data table

The athlete's speed for this test was:

feet/sec mph m/sec Km/hr

Normative data for the lateral change of direction test

The following data has been obtained from the tests conducted with world-class athletes (Chu 1996)[1].

% Rank Females Males
91-100 3.22 - 3.37 secs 2.90 - 3.05 secs
81 - 90 3.38 - 3.53 secs 3.06 - 3.21 secs
71 - 80 3.54 - 3.69 secs 3.22 - 3.37 secs
61 - 70 3.70 - 3.85 secs 3.38 - 3.53 secs
51 - 60 3.86 - 4.01 secs 3.54 - 3.69 secs
41 - 50 4.02 - 4.17 secs 3.70 - 3.85 secs
31 - 40 4.18 - 4.33 secs 3.86 - 4.01 secs
21 - 30 4.34 - 4.49 secs 4.02 - 4.17 secs
11 - 20 4.50 - 4.65 secs 4.18 - 4.33 secs
1 - 10 4.66 - 4.81 secs 4.34 - 4.49 secs


Analysis of the test result compares it with the athlete's previous results for this test. It is expected that the investigation would indicate an improvement in the athlete's agility and speed with appropriate training between each test.

Target Group

This test is suitable for active athletes but not for individuals where the test would be contraindicated.


Test reliability refers to how a test is consistent and stable in measuring its intended measure. Reliability will depend upon how strict the test is conducted and the individual's level of motivation to perform the test. The following link provides various factors influencing the results and therefore, test reliability.


Test validity refers to the degree to which the test measures what it claims to measure and the extent to which inferences, conclusions, and decisions based on test scores are appropriate and meaningful. This test provides a means to monitor training on the athlete's physical development.


  • Minimal equipment required
  • Simple to set up and conduct
  • The athlete can administer the test
  • Can be conducted almost anywhere


  • Assistant required to administer the test


  1. CHU, A. (1996) Assessment. In: CHU, A. (1996) Explosive Power and Strength. New Zealand: Human Kinetics. p.178

Page Reference

If you quote information from this page in your work, then the reference for this page is:

  • MACKENZIE, B. (2000) Lateral Change of Direction Test [WWW] Available from: [Accessed 26/3/2025]


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