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Maximum Load (1RM)

Suppose you must determine your maximum load (1RM) for a weight training exercise. In that case, there is a way of obtaining an approximate value based on the weight you used and the number of repetitions you can perform before failure for that exercise.

Equations to determine 1RM

The Brzycki (1993)[1] equation is as follows:

  • Weight ÷ ( 1.0278 - ( 0.0278 × Number of repetitions ) )

The Baechle (2000)[2] equation is as follows:

  • Weight × ( 1 + ( 0.033 × Number of repetitions ) )

The Epley (1985)[3] equation is as follows:

  • (0.033 × Number of repetitions × Weight) + Weight

The Landers (1985)[4] equation is as follows:

  • (100 × Weight) ÷ ( 101.3 - (2.67123 × Number of repetitions ) )

Max Load Calculator

These equations provide a reasonable estimate of the 1RM (maximum load), providing the number of repetitions does not exceed 10.

Enter the weight and the number of repetitions, and select the Calculate Button. Estimates of the 1RM (maximum load) will then be displayed for each equation.

Weight   Repetitions      
Brzycki   Baechle   Epley   Landers

Free Calculator

  • Max Load Calculator - a free Microsoft Excel spreadsheet you can download and use on your computer.


  1. BRZYCKI, M. (1993) Strength testing-Predicting a one-rep max from reps-to-fatigue. JOPERD, 68, p. 88-90
  2. BAECHLE, T.R. and EARLE, R.W. and WATHEN, D. (2000) Resistance training. In: BAECHLE, T.R. and EARLE, R.W., eds. Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning. 2nd ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, p. 395-425
  3. EPLEY, B. (1985) Poundage Chart. Boyd Epley Workout. Lincoln, NE: Body Enterprises.
  4. LANDERS, J. (1985) Maximums Based on Reps. National Strength and Conditioning Association Journal. 6: 60-61.

Page Reference

If you quote information from this page in your work, then the reference for this page is:

  • MACKENZIE, B. (2000) Maximum Load (1RM) [WWW] Available from: [Accessed